نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


استادیار جغرافیا، دانشگاه پیام نور، تهران، ایران


پژوهش حاضر با هدف بررسی راهبردهای حفاظت از ژئوتوریسم و ​​ زمین شناختی انجام گرفت. تحقیق حاضر از نظر هدف، کاربردی و روش انجام آن ترکیبی (کیفی و کمی) است. ابزار گردآوری داده­ها و اطلاعات پرسش­نامه و مصاحبه ساختاریافته می­باشد. جامعه آماری کارشناسان مختلف در زمینه­های تحصیلی مرتبط در استان لرستان بوده است. با روش نمونه ­گیری هدفمند 70 کارشناس به عنوان نمونه انتخاب گردید. برای شناسایی راهبردها از آزمون رتبه­ای هم­انباشتگی نامحدود اکتشافی (روش جوهانسن) و برای ارتباط این راهبردها با عناصر ژئوتوریسم از مدل گسترش عملکرد کیفیت (QFD) استفاده شد. نتایج پژوهش منجر به شناسایی 36 راهبرد شد. به طوری که 1) راهبردهای حفاظت از مناظر و چشم­اندازهای کوهستانی، حفظ ژئوپارک‌های ملی و ذخیره‌گاه‌ها، مدیریت میراث جغرافیایی و مستندسازی چشم­اندازها، معرفی ارزش­های اقتصادی چشم­انداز جغرافیایی و جلوگیری از آلودگی محیط و منابع طبیعی بیشترین ارتباط را با عنصر چشم­انداز جغرافیایی/ژئوتوریسم داشته ­اند. 2) حفظ زمین و جلوگیری از سوء استفاده از زمین، احیای ژئوسایت و فرایندهای زمین شناسی آسیب دیده، تاب­آوری سایت­های گردشگری در مقابل بلایای طبیعی، معرفی جاذبه­ ها و پدیده‌های زمین‌شناسی و معرفی مناطق ژئوتوریسمی با پیشینه زمین­شناسی بیشترین ارتباط را با فرایندهای زمین شناسی داشته­ اند. 3) راهبردهای سرمایه­گذاری در ساخت تاسیسات زیربنایی در محیط ژئوسایت، ترسیم مسیر دسترسی به جاذبه­ های گردشگری، استفاده از رسوم و سبک زندگی محلی در ارتباط با حفظ منابع طبیعی و افزایش آگاهی عمومی برای حفظ محیط زیست بیشتربن ارتباط را با میراث گردشگری داشته ­اند.
نتایج جهت­گیری­ های پیش روی توسعه ژئوتوریسم در لرستان منجر به شناسایی سه نوع جهت گیری کوتاه مدت(حال)، میان مدت و بلند مدت شد. نهایتا برای دستیابی به اهداف تحقیق و توسعه ژئوتوریسم توصیه ­ها و پیشنهاداتی ارائه شد.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Geotourism Protection Strategies and Geological Heritage (Case Study: Lorestan Province)

نویسنده [English]

  • Somayeh Jahantigh mand

Assistant Professor of Geography, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran

چکیده [English]

The purpose of this study is to investigate geo-tourism and geological protection strategies. The present research is applied in terms of purpose, and its method is combined (qualitative and quantitatively). The data collection and information collection tool and structured interview are structured. The statistical population of various experts has been in the relevant field of study in Lorestan Province. Seventy experts were selected by using a targeted sampling method. The unlimited exploration (Johannon method) test was used to identify and connect the strategies to geo-tourism elements of quality performance (QFD). The results of the study led to the identification of 36 strategies. So, 1) the most relevant strategies are those for protecting mountain landscapes, preserving national geo-parks and reserves, managing geographical heritage and documenting landscapes, introducing the economic values of geographical landscapes, and preventing pollution of the environmental and natural resources with the element of geographical perspective/geo-tourism. 2) Preserving land and preventing misuse of land, revitalizing geo-sites and damaged geological processes, ensuring the resiliency of tourist sites against natural disasters, introducing geological attractions and phenomena, and introducing geo-tourism areas with the highest geological background that have a relationship with geological processes. 3) Investment Strategies for the Construction of Infrastructure Facilities in the Geo-Citizens, drawing access routes to tourism attractions, using local customs and lifestyle in connection with the preservation of natural resources, and increasing public awareness to preserve the environment more closely related to tourism heritage have had the results of the oriented for the development of geo-tourism in Lorestan led to the identification of three types of short-term, medium and long-term orientation. Finally, recommendations and suggestions were made to achieve the goals of geo-tourism.
The development of geo-tourism has many functions for local communities and is one of the appropriate solutions to deal with the problems of livelihood and unemployment. From the geocultural point of view, geo-tourism is considered a new way to develop less developed societies due to its economic efficiency. Although geo-tourism development has many benefits, the competitiveness of geo-tourism destinations and solving geo-tourism challenges and risks depends on several factors, including resources, demand conditions, management, marketing, and formulation of strategies for the destination. Developing a geo-tourism development strategy enables tourists to discover geo-sites, landscapes, and cultures and enjoy unique experiences of knowledge and sustainable development. In addition, formulating appropriate strategies can help improve the quality of life in the local community and turn destinations and areas with tourist attractions into a sustainable society. Also, developing geo-tourism strategies is a fundamental step in protecting the land and creating priorities in the management of tourist sites. Understanding and protecting landscapes, geology and geomorphology, geographic heritage, and experience of different features of geo-tourism are also promoted by formulating appropriate strategies. Therefore, it is necessary and necessary to identify the paths, strategies, and strategies of geo-tourism development to solve the challenges and sustainability of this type of tourism activities and future-oriented planning for its development.

Research Methodology
The purpose of this research is practical, and its method is combined (quantitative and qualitative). Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used to collect information and data. Theoretical studies and the theoretical basis of the research were collected using the document-library method. This research collected information and data related to strategies for developing geo-tourism and geographical heritage in Lorestan Province through a Likert Scale questionnaire. The statistical community includes experts in various fields such as geography, tourism management, economics, social sciences, and sociology, as well as tourism specialists and elites/tour managers in Lorestan Province. Seventy samples were selected to complete the questionnaire and conduct interviews using purposeful sampling.
Statistical methods (descriptive and inferential) were used to answer the research questions and analyze the data. In order to identify strategies and strategies for the development of geo-tourism in Lorestan Province, strategies and strategies for the protection of geo-tourism and geographical heritage were first identified through interviews and content analysis, and to determine the importance and prioritization of these strategies, an unlimited clustering rank test was used. Heuristic (Johansen method) was used. Then, the quality function mevelopment model (QFD) was used to investigate the importance and relationship of each geo-tourism development strategy and strategies with the critical elements of geo-tourism (geographic landscape, geological processes, tourism cultural heritage).
The exploratory unlimited co-accumulation rank test (Johansen's method) was used to investigate and analyze geo-tourism development strategies in Lorestan Province. In this test, according to special values (numerical value), while identifying and discovering the most important strategies, they can be ranked. For this, 33 strategies/strategies were considered and analyzed.
Examining the Johanson test, according to the rejection of the null hypothesis at the 0.001 level, the test’s significance is considered among the 36 strategies for analyzing development strategies and strategies of geo-tourism and geographical heritage. It showed that, in order and according to the unique values, ten strategies and strategies for the protection of landscapes and mountain landscapes, waterfalls, springs, forests, pastures, and all-natural landscapes with a unique value (0.131), preserving land resources, and preventing the abuse of land resources related to tourism with a unique value (0.126), capital and investment attraction in the cultural sector and the education of native people and the promotion of tourism infrastructure with a unique value (0.123), determining the paths of development and preservation of geo-parks, national parks or reserves with a unique value (0.117), Construction of infrastructure facilities in the geo-site environment (road, residence, internet) with a unique value (0.113), restoration of the geo-site, and damaged geological processes with a special value (0.111) have been the most critical development strategies of geo-tourism and geographical heritage.
Examining the Johanson test according to the rejection of the null hypothesis at the 0.005 level, the significance of the test showed that out of 36 strategies, ten strategies for preparing and increasing the resilience of tourism sites against natural and earth-building disasters (erosion, drift, creep) with a unique value (0.087) Increasing public awareness to participate in the environmental protection and tourism program with a unique value (0.084), environmental education of managers and local people and tourists themselves (0.079), recognizing and introducing the attractions and geological phenomena of the region to Tourists with a unique value (0.078), the most important critical and development strategies are geo-tourism and geographical heritage.
​ Discussion and results
Lorestan Province in the west of the country is known as the geo-tourism capital due to its prominent cultural and local values, pristine and natural landscapes in the high Zagros, various waterfalls (it is nicknamed the land of waterfalls), and mountainous and important geological features. However, in recent years, tourism in this province has been declining after the spread of the coronavirus pandemic.
The research results showed that in addition to the strategies and strategies for developing geo-tourism in Lorestan Province, the direction of future development and the prospect of geo-tourism development in Lorestan Province also needed to be developed. Based on the results, orientations have been presented in three short-term and present, medium-term, and long-term periods. So, the short-term orientation is more related to the development of geo-tourism products, the introduction of tourist attractions, and the protection of ecosystems, while the mid-term orientation is more related to investment in construction facilities and the development of geo-tourism facilities and infrastructures. And the expansion and cross-border development of geo-tourism in Lorestan Province. According to the findings, the general results of the research indicate that for the development of geo-tourism in Lorestan Province, development strategies should be used to diversify tourism types, develop unique geo-tourism products, and use geo-tourism tour programs. Be focused on these leaders. Also, the provided orientations can be used to complete the infrastructure, accommodation, and services in the tourist destination, education, and improvement and development of geo-tourism based on plans related to strategies and orientations.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Strategy
  • Geotourism Development
  • Geological heritage
  • Lorestan Province
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