نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


دانشیار گروه ترویج و توسعه روستایی، دانشکده کشاورزی، دانشگاه تبریز، تبریز، ایران


هدف اصلی این مطالعه، بررسی نگرش ساکنان منطقه به گردشگری و عوامل تأثیرگذار بر این  نگرش بر مبنای نظریه تبادل اجتماعی می‌باشد. پژوهش حاضر به بررسی نگرش و حمایت ذی‌نفعان از گردشگری پرداخته است. از لحاظ روش تحقیق، این مطالعه از نوع تحقیقات توصیفی- همبستگی و کاربردی است که از مدل‌سازی معادلات ساختاری استفاده و به روش علی ارتباطی و تحلیل ماتریس کواریانس- واریانس انجام شده است. از نظر شیوه جمع‌آوری و دریافت اطلاعات، این تحقیق در حوزه مطالعات میدانی قرار دارد. جامعه آماری پژوهش، سرپرست خانوارها (مردم محلی) در روستاهای استان آذربایجان شرقی در ایران بودند. با توجه به بررسی‌های به‌عمل آمده از سازمان‌های متولی گردشگری روستایی استان آذربایجان شرقی مانند سازمان گردشگری و میراث فرهنگی، بنیاد مسکن انقلاب اسلامی و نیز مشاهده و بررسی میدانی، تعداد 20 روستا به‌عنوان روستای نمونه انتخاب شدند که تعداد کل خانوار این روستاها برابر با 4669 برآورد شد. با استفاده از رابطه کوکران، تعداد 355 نفر سرپرست خانوار به‌عنوان نمونه آماری مطالعه از مردم محلی انتخاب گردیدند. در این مطالعه از روش نمونه­گیری چند مرحله‌ای استفاده شد. بر این اساس، ابتدا به انتخاب روستاهای مورد مطالعه از مناطق روستایی استان آذربایجان شرقی با در نظرگرفتن یکسری از ویژگی‌ها و شاخص‌های تعیین‌کننده از جمله دارا بودن آثار ثبت شده ملی و جهانی، دارا بودن بافت سنتی و یا سبک معماری خاص یا مراسم فرهنگی تعریف‌شده در زمان خاص و... پرداخته شد. تعداد 20 روستا به‌عنوان روستاهای نمونه انتخاب شدند و سپس از روش نمونه‌گیری طبقه‌ای با انتساب متناسب استفاده گردید و در مرحله نهایی از طریق استفاده از روش نمونه‌گیری تصادفی ساده به سرپرست خانوار به‌صورت حضوری مراجعه و اطلاعات لازم جمع‌آوری و پرسشنامه تکمیل گردید. جهت تعیین روایی ابزار اندازه­گیری از میانگین واریانس استخراج شده[1] استفاده گردید و نتایج نشان‌دهنده روایی ابزار اندازه­گیری بود (97/0-74/0). به‌منظور تعیین میزان پایایی ابزار تحقیق، از پایایی ترکیبی استفاده شد و نتایج  نشان­دهنده پایایی ابزار اندازه­گیری بود (99/0-93/0). نتایج نظرات ساکنان محلی در خصوص روابط علی بین متغیرهای توسعه گردشگری حاکی از این بود که رابطه علی مثبت و معنی­داری بین منفعت شخصی و درک تأثیرات مثبت گردشگری، بین منفعت شخصی و رضایت، بین درک تأثیرات مثبت گردشگری و رضایت، بین درک تأثیرات مثبت گردشگری و حمایت از توسعه گردشگری، بین رضایت و حمایت از توسعه گردشگری وجود داشته است. رابطه علی منفی و معنی­داری بین منفعت شخصی و درک تأثیرات منفی گردشگری، درک تأثیرات منفی گردشگری و رضایت، بین درک تأثیرات منفی و حمایت از توسعه گردشگری وجود داشته است. نتایج مطالعه، ضمن تأیید نظریه تبادل اجتماعی مشخص کرد که چه ساختارهایی در حمایت از توسعه گردشگری دخیل می‌باشند که می‌بایست در برنامه‌ریزی توسعه گردشگری در نظر گرفته شوند.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Presenting a Structural Model for the Development of Rural Tourism in East Azerbaijan Province from the Perspective of Residents with the Approach of Social Exchange Theory

نویسنده [English]

  • Fatemeh Kazemiyeh

Associate Professor Dept. of Extension and Rural Development, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz, Iran

چکیده [English]

The main purpose of this study was to investigate the attitude of the residents of the region towards tourism and the factors affecting this attitude based on the theory of social exchange. The present study has investigated the attitude and support of the beneficiaries of tourism. In terms of the research method, this study is a descriptive-correlation and applied type of research that uses structural equation modeling and has been carried out using the causal-relational method and covariance-variance matrix analysis. In terms of the method of collecting and receiving information, this research is in the field of field studies. The statistical population of the research was the heads of households (local people) in the villages of East Azerbaijan province in Iran. According to the investigations carried out by the organizations in charge of rural tourism in East Azerbaijan Province, such as the Tourism and Cultural Heritage Organization and the Islamic Revolution Housing Foundation, as well as field observations, 20 villages were selected as sample villages, and the total number of households in this the number of villages was estimated to be 4669. Using Cochran's relationship, the number of 355 heads of households from local people was selected as the statistical sample of the study. In this study, a multi-stage sampling method was used. Based on this, first of all, the studied villages were selected from the rural areas of East Azarbaijan province, taking into account a series of defining characteristics and indicators, including the presence of national and international registered works, the presence of a traditional texture, or a special architectural style, or a cultural ceremony. A number of 20 villages were selected as sample villages, and then a stratified sampling method with proportional allocation was used. In the final stage, through the use of a simple random sampling method, the head of the household was visited in person, the necessary information was collected, and the questionnaire was completed. Became Average Variance Extracted (AVE) was used to determine the validity of the measurement tool. The results showed the validity of the measurement tool (0.74-0.97). Composite reliability was used to determine the reliability of the research tool. The results showed the reliability of the measurement tool (0.93-0.99). The results of residents' opinions about causal relationships between tourism development variables indicated that a positive and significant causal relationship between personal benefit and understanding the positive effects of tourism, between personal benefit and satisfaction, between understanding the positive effects of tourism and satisfaction, between understanding There have been positive effects of tourism and support for tourism development, between satisfaction and support for tourism development. There is a negative and significant causal relationship between personal benefit and understanding the negative effects of tourism, understanding the negative effects of tourism, and satisfaction between understanding the negative effects and supporting the development of tourism. The results of the study, while confirming the theory of social exchange, determined what structures in support of tourism development should be considered in tourism development planning.
The participation of people in society is often considered one of the most necessary factors in national development. Also, in the matter of tourism, the support and participation of the local community are very decisive in the field of destination management planning and achieving written planning so that both the host community and the guest community are completely satisfied. Based on this, the support and participation of the host community in the sustainable development of tourism is important and necessary. In line with the development of tourism in different destinations, the way of life of the host community may be affected by structural changes in the tourism industry. Factors such as changes in the local economy, social changes, cultural changes, and environmental changes in a tourism destination can be mentioned in the results of tourism development. Therefore, planning for tourism in rural areas should be based on the goals and priorities of the residents.
Materials and Methods
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the attitude of the residents of the region towards tourism and the factors affecting this attitude based on the theory of social exchange. The present study has investigated the attitude and support of the beneficiaries of tourism. In terms of the research method, this study is a descriptive-correlation and applied type of research that uses structural equation modeling and has been carried out using the causal-relational method and covariance-variance matrix analysis. In terms of the method of collecting and receiving information, this research is in the field of field studies. The statistical population of the research was the heads of households (local people) in the villages of East Azerbaijan province in Iran. According to the investigations carried out by the organizations in charge of rural tourism in East Azerbaijan Province, such as the Tourism and Cultural Heritage Organization and the Islamic Revolution Housing Foundation, as well as field observations, 20 villages were selected as sample villages, and the total number of households in this the number of villages was estimated to be 4669. Using Cochran's relationship, the number of 355 heads of households from local people was selected as the statistical sample of the study. In this study, a multi-stage sampling method was used. Based on this, first of all, the studied villages were selected from the rural areas of East Azarbaijan province, taking into account a series of defining characteristics and indicators, including the presence of national and international registered works, the presence of a traditional texture, or a special architectural style, or a cultural ceremony. A number of 20 villages, were selected as sample villages and then a stratified sampling method with proportional allocation was used. In the final stage, through the use of a simple random sampling method, the head of the household was visited in person, the necessary information was collected, and the questionnaire was completed. Became Average Variance Extracted (AVE) was used to determine the validity of the measurement tool. The results showed the validity of the measurement tool (0.74-0.97). Composite reliability was used to determine the reliability of the research tool. The results showed the reliability of the measurement tool (0.93-0.99).
Discussion and Results
The opinions of residents regarding causal relationships between tourism development variables indicate that:

 There has been a positive and significant causal relationship between personal benefit and understanding the positive effects of tourism.
 There has been a negative and significant causal relationship between personal benefit and understanding the adverse effects of tourism.
A positive and significant causal relationship has existed between personal benefit and satisfaction.
4There has been a positive and significant causal relationship between understanding the positive effects of tourism and satisfaction.
 There has been a negative and significant causal relationship between understanding the adverse effects of tourism and satisfaction.
6. A positive and significant causal relationship has existed between understanding tourism’s positive effects and supporting tourism’s development.
7. There has been a positive and significant causal relationship between satisfaction and support for tourism development.
A negative and significant causal relationship has existed between understanding the adverse effects and supporting tourism development.

While confirming the theory of social exchange, the study’s results determined what structures are included in supporting the development of tourism that should be considered in planning the development of tourism. Overall, this study confirms the relationship between personal benefit from tourism and residents' understanding of the effects of tourism and their support for tourism development in the study area, and residents have a great desire to get involved and participate in tourism development programs. Promoting positive effects, reducing adverse effects, and educating of the local community can significantly affect their attitude and increase their support for tourism development.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Support
  • Tourism Effects
  • Rural Areas
  • Structural Equation Model
  • Social Exchange Theory
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