نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 استادیار، گروه مدیریت دولتی، دانشگاه پیام نور، تهران، ایران

2 دانشجوی دکتری مدیریت و کارآفرینی، دانشکده علوم اجتماعی، دانشگاه رازی، کرمانشاه، ایران

3 دانش‎آموخته کارشناسی ارشد، گروه مدیریت بازرگانی، دانشگاه پیام نور، تهران، ایران


پژوهش حاضر با هدف طراحی و تبیین الگوی توسعه گردشگری خلاق روستایی در روستاهای هدف گردشگری استان کرمانشاه انجام شده است. پژوهش از نوع کیفی و مبتنی بر نظریه‌پردازی داده‌بنیاد است. جامعه مورد مطالعه را دهیاران روستاهای هدف گردشگری، مدیران خانه‌های بوم‌گردی، شوراهای روستاها، خبرگان بومی، اساتید دانشگاه در رشته گردشگری و مطلعان کلیدی تشکیل دادند. نمونه‌گیری به‌ روش هدفمند و گلوله برفی انجام شده است. بر این اساس، تعداد 23 مصاحبه با مشارکت‌کنندگان در پژوهش انجام شد و اشباع نظری در مصاحبه 19 حاصل گردید. داده‌ها با استفاده از مصاحبه عمیق نیمه‌ساختارمند گردآوری و با استفاده از راهبرد اشتراوس و کوربین تحلیل شدند. به‌منظور سنجش روایی و رعایت ویژگی‌های کیفی پژوهش، اعتباربخشی داده‌ها حین انجام مصاحبه‌ها از معیارهای چهارگانه لینکُلن و گوبا (قابلیت اعتبار، قابلیت انتقال‌پذیری و تناسب، قابلیت اطمینان و ثبات و قابلیت تصدیق) استفاده شد. پایایی پژوهش با استفاده از فرمول پایایی هولستی (82 درصد) محاسبه گردید. نتایج تحلیل محتوای استقرایی، طی سه رویه کدگذاری باز، محوری و انتخابی به شناسایی تعداد 120 کد اولیه، 32 کد محوری و 6 عامل منتج شد. در نهایت، الگوی گردشگری خلاق روستایی طراحی و ارائه گردید که در آن «گردشگری خلاق روستایی» به‌عنوان پدیده‌محوری متأثر از عوامل علی پژوهش انتخاب شد. عوامل زمینه‌ای و مداخله‌گر به‌همراه پدیده‌محوری راهبردهای توسعه گردشگری خلاق روستایی را شکل دادند و پیامدهایی همچون افزایش سرمایه‌گذاری‌های بخش خصوصی، سوق دادن درآمد از مناطق شهری به روستا، جلوگیری از مهاجرت به شهرها، افزایش نرخ اشتغال، بازگشت به روستا و توسعه فرهنگی و حس همکاری در منطقه شناسایی شدند.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Providing a paradigmatic model of creative rural tourism development (case of study: target villages for tourism in Kermanshah province)

نویسندگان [English]

  • Ayoub Pazhouhan 1
  • SHahin Behvar 2
  • Hojat alah Maleki 3

1 Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Ph.D. student of Management and Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Social Sciences, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran

3 Master's student, Department of Business Administration, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran

چکیده [English]

The current research was conducted to design and explain the development model of creative rural tourism in the target villages of Kermanshah province. The research is of a qualitative type and based on database theorizing. The studied community comprised villagers of tourism target villages, managers of ecotourism houses, village councils, local experts, university professors in the field of tourism, and key informants. Sampling has been done using targeted and snowball methods. Based on this, 23 interviews were conducted with the research participants, and theoretical saturation was achieved in 19 interviews. Data were collected using in-depth semi-structured interviews and analyzed using Strauss and Corbin's strategy. In order to measure the validity and respect the qualitative features of the research, accreditation, and data during the interviews, Lincoln and Goba's four criteria (credibility, transferability, reliability, and verifiability) were used. The reliability of the research was calculated using Holstein's reliability formula (82%). The results of the inductive content analysis identified 120 primary codes, 32 central codes, and six factors during three open, central, and selective coding procedures. Finally, the model of creative rural tourism was designed and presented, in which "creative rural tourism" was selected as the central phenomenon affected by the causal factors of the research. Contextual and intervening factors, together with the central phenomenon, shaped creative rural tourism development strategies and consequences such as increasing private sector investments, driving income from cities to villages, preventing migration to cities, increasing employment rates, returning to villages and cultural development, and a sense of cooperation were identified in the area.
Raymond and Richards presented the first definition of creative tourism in 2000. They described it as follows: "A type of tourism that gives visitors the opportunity to develop their creative potential through active participation in the learning and experiences they gain from the characteristics of the destination." The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) defined the concept of creative tourism as follows: Creative tourism is travel that leads to an engaging and authentic experience, with participatory learning in the art, heritage, or special features of a place. It is directed and provides a proper connection with those who live in this place and create this living culture. In Kermanshah province, 14 villages are the target of tourism; for example, we can mention the villages of Kandoleh, Piran, Shalan, Shamshir, Hajij, Khaneqah, and Najobran. Considering the many benefits that the booming tourism industry can bring to the province and the target villages of tourism, it is necessary to pay more attention to the tourism industry in this province, as it can be said that this industry can, in addition to turning the province into the tourism pole can provide one of the axes of all-round development of the province. Therefore, the current research is looking for a way to promote tourism in rural areas to achieve sustainable development by spending less money and using local facilities, and to achieve this goal, creative tourism in rural areas has been investigated. According to the above information and the tourism potential of Kermanshah province, especially the target villages for tourism in this region, they can create conditions that attract domestic and foreign travelers and tourists and provide employment. It will raise the area and ultimately boost the business. Finally, this research seeks to answer the question, what is the pattern of creative tourism in the target villages of Kermanshah province, and what dimensions and components does it consist of?
Materials and Methods
The current research is qualitative in terms of paradigm, developmental-applicative in terms of purpose, and exploratory and ground-theoretical in terms of method. The community of the research studied was comprised of experts in creative tourism. Based on this, 23 semi-structured and in-depth interviews were conducted with key informants using purposeful sampling. The data were analyzed using Strauss and Corbin’s systematic approach. In order to analyze the data, three types of coding are used, which include open coding (creating concepts and categories), axial coding (identifying the core category, causal conditions, contextual and environmental conditions, intervening conditions, strategies, and consequences) and selective coding (creation of theory). In order to measure the validity and comply with the qualitative features of the research, validation, accuracy, and robustness of the data, the four criteria of Lincoln and Goba, such as reliability, transferability and appropriateness, reliability and stability, and verifiability, were used. The reliability of the research was also calculated using Holsti’s coefficient of reliability formula, and 82% was obtained, indicating adequate reliability.
Based on the research findings, government planners and private companies should consider creative rural tourism due to its role and importance in increasing employment and sustainable rural development. Therefore, in the tourism target villages of Kermanshah province, by creating suitable infrastructures and providing welfare and recreational services for travelers, conditions can be created that attract domestic and foreign travelers and tourists, increase employment in these areas, and ultimately lead to prosperity. Small and medium businesses in the mentioned areas. In this regard, using the basic theory, the current research investigated the influential factors on the development of creative rural tourism.
Summarizing the findings of the qualitative part of the research confirms the fact that by creating communication links between policymakers and the local people of the region, changing the structure of tourism in the region, providing a suitable platform, and identifying tourism capacities in the region and its development in different dimensions (employment, quality of life, preservation of cultural and historical heritage, increase in health level), the ground for creating creative rural tourism in Kermanshah province is provided. However, among these limiting factors are laws and regulations, educational barriers, lack of specialized human resources, organizational and structural barriers, and more Internet and virtual space to advertise and introduce the region to tourists. Strategies and measures that can work in this field include the scientific development of tourism and the use of scientific technology and tools, advertising and introducing the tourist area, creating motivation and paying attention to the interests of tourists, paying attention to the relative advantages of the region, developing rural tourism infrastructure, creating culture, training and holding exhibitions to introduce products. Moreover, the local production of the tourism area, if these measures are realized, the private sector investments will happen in these areas, the result of which is an increase in the employment rate and driving the income to the villages, and a decrease in the migration rate from the village to the city, and an increase Migration is counterproductive and creates cultural development and a sense of cooperation in the region.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Creative tourism
  • tourism development
  • development model
  • tourism target village
  • Kermanshah
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