Document Type : Research Paper



Different cities have different features. They have huge investments, looking for
more tourists to raise the return on investment. Word of mouth communication is
one of the cheapest and the most valuable ways to develop tourism that has
attracted attention of many scholars. Military personnel can be viewed as a
source of WOM, because most of them spend many days in different cities. The
purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of service quality on military
personnel WOM with the mediating role of satisfaction, city image and their
attitude toward the city. This research is descriptive applied in terms of purpose.
Questionnaire was used to survey 390 military personnel in the north and north
east of Tehran. Structural Equation Modeling and Smart PLS software were
used to analyze the gathered data. Results show that services quality has a
positive effect on tourists' satisfaction and city image. Also, Satisfaction and city
image have positive effects on attitude toward the city. Finally, satisfaction, city
image and attitude toward the city have positive effects on WOM.
 Service Quality, Urban Brand, Brand Image, Attitude toward Brand,


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