Document Type : Research Paper
The primary purpose of the research is to find the discursive strategies by
which Iranian managers and elite legitimize or delegitimize discourses on
tourism in Iran and the secondary purpose is to find the differences between
governmental and nongovernmental discursive legitimacy of managers and elite
in Iran. Critical Discourse Analysis of Van Leeuwen(2008) has been selected as
a method of analysis . The population is 70 articles consist of news, interviews
and speeches on tourism and 23 of all were selected purposefully as the
samples. Both groups of governmental and nongovernmental managers and elite
have legitimized positive interaction with the world and the security of Iran but
have delegitimized the situation of tourism infrastructure and negative
propaganda against Iran. Governmental sector agrees presence of private
sector but with monitoring services of travel agencies, while private sector
demands reduction of the role of government in this field.
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