atiyeh Garousi; tahereh sadeghloo
Risk perception could be considered as the first and most effective step for the optimal guidance and success of the risk management process. Today, tourism, as one of the new functions of rural spaces, is associated with many risks and threats for tourists that the perception of these dangers can play ...
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Risk perception could be considered as the first and most effective step for the optimal guidance and success of the risk management process. Today, tourism, as one of the new functions of rural spaces, is associated with many risks and threats for tourists that the perception of these dangers can play a significant role in travel decisions, readiness and their response to these dangers, the present article examines the factors affecting risk perception and its impact on the tourist's decision using the qualitative method of Husserl phenomenology. among the mentioned environmental hazards, the most possible hazards perceived by tourists in terms of human and natural hazards are the risk of road accidents and floods. The studied tourists considered objective to be more effective than subjective factors in perceiving the danger of tourist destinations. After perceiving the danger, two behaviors of avoiding travel by or facing danger have been selected equally.
Laila Vossoughi; Zohre Kiani feizabadi; Azam Nejaddehbakri
Today, the growing demand for traveling to attractions disastered by natural and human disasters has created a new type of tourism. According to tourism industry activists and planners, tourism development in these sites could be effective in recovering them. Hence, paying attention to demand, as an ...
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Today, the growing demand for traveling to attractions disastered by natural and human disasters has created a new type of tourism. According to tourism industry activists and planners, tourism development in these sites could be effective in recovering them. Hence, paying attention to demand, as an important part of the tourism system, attributes are important. Accordingly, in this article, assessing demand attributes on the after-the-earthquake Arg-e Bam (one of the cultural properties inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List) after recovering was considered. the present research in terms of purpose is an applied one and the methodology in which used is a descriptive-survey one. The statistical population of the study consists of visitors who visited Arg-e Bam during the first three months of 1396; According to the Morgan table and statistical surveys, 200 individuals were estimated as samples by the simple random sampling. The measuring tools SPSS 22 and AMOS software have been used for analyzing the research data, modelizing path analysis equations, and doing statistical tests. The research results show that there is a significant relationship between demographic attributes of demand (age, gender, and education level) and motivation of visitors; there is a positive and significant relationship between behavioral attributes of demand (motivation, purpose, and number of trips) and satisfaction of visitors, also there is no significant relationship between visitors’ satisfaction and their loyalty, and significantly positive effect of the destination image (positive and negative) on the motivation of the visitors, and no significant effect of the destination image (positive and negative) on visitors’ satisfaction and loyalty.
Mahdi Ebrahimi; Seyed Amir hossein Tayebi Abolhassani
Nowadays, medical tourism has become one of the most important types of tourism, to carry out its effective activity, research in this field is necessary. This research has been done to declare the inbound medical tourism market of Tehran as much as possible. Since one of the convenient tools for identifying ...
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Nowadays, medical tourism has become one of the most important types of tourism, to carry out its effective activity, research in this field is necessary. This research has been done to declare the inbound medical tourism market of Tehran as much as possible. Since one of the convenient tools for identifying and studying the market is segmentation, the basis of this research is segmentation using tourist clustering. For this purpose, 151 questionnaires were completed by foreign patients in selected hospitals of Tehran (Moheb, Mehr, Pars, Asia, Laleh and Royan Institute). The results of the questionnaires were analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis and finally, four different clusters of medical tourists were identified with the names of totalitarians, quality- seeker individuals, people with banned treatment, and people seeking treatment.
parviz mohamadzadeh; saeedeh samadzad
The purpose of this research is to investigate the key factors affecting the image formation of Tabriz city from the viewpoint of the local tourists who visited Tabriz. The main tool for collecting information is a questionnaire. To this end, 384 questionnaires were distributed by simple random sampling ...
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The purpose of this research is to investigate the key factors affecting the image formation of Tabriz city from the viewpoint of the local tourists who visited Tabriz. The main tool for collecting information is a questionnaire. To this end, 384 questionnaires were distributed by simple random sampling method in summer 2016. For analyzing the data, structural equation modeling and Friedman rank test were used. The research findings show that the priority of the components forming the image of Tabriz city is urban infrastructure, tourist attractions, events and occasions, and economy and trade respectively. Therefore, as the urban infrastructure is considered the most effective factor in shaping the image of Tabriz, the promotion of infrastructure, standards, and quality of services and tourism facilities should always be considered by officials and urban planners
Zeinab Tolabi; Simin Nasrolahi Vosta Nasrolahi Vosta
Researchers believe that information resources have a significant influence on tourism destination image. Accordingly, this research attempts to investigate the influence of information resources on destination image and as a result, travel intention. Data was collected through a questionnaire and was ...
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Researchers believe that information resources have a significant influence on tourism destination image. Accordingly, this research attempts to investigate the influence of information resources on destination image and as a result, travel intention. Data was collected through a questionnaire and was analyzed by structural equation modeling using SPSS 22 and AMOS 18. The statistical population includes all the internal tourists who visited Khorramabad Province during the period of research. A sample of 221 tourists was selected by convenience sampling approach. Reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's Alpha. According to structural analysis, it is determined that information resources of tourists have a significant influence on their cognitive-emotional image. Further, the cognitive image was effective on emotional image. In addition, cognitive-emotional image has significant influence on overall image. Finally, overall image had significant effect on travel intention of tourists.
Despite the importance of perceived risk related to tourism and willingness to revisit, few studies have been done on the effect of perceived risk on the willingness to revisit through the mediating role of destination image. By investigating the effect of perceived risk on the destination image and ...
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Despite the importance of perceived risk related to tourism and willingness to revisit, few studies have been done on the effect of perceived risk on the willingness to revisit through the mediating role of destination image. By investigating the effect of perceived risk on the destination image and its mediating role on the perceived risk as well as the willingness to revisit, this study has created new insights. The statistical population consisted of all domestic tourists who visited Arg-e Bam in spring and early summer of 2016. Due to the lack of access to detailed statistics of tourists who have visited Bam, 200 domestic visitors were selected using convenience sampling method. The study is an applied research and uses descriptive - data collection (questionnaire) method. In this study, the mediating role of both cognitive and emotional images on the relationship of three risks of the physical, financial and social and psychological and willingness to revisit were investigated. The obtained results indicated that the cognitive and emotional images play a mediating role on the relationship between physical and financial risk and willingness to revisit; however, there is no mediating role on the relationship between social - psychological risk and willingness to revisit.
Somayeh Mahmood; Bahram Ranjbaryan; Said Fathi
Volume 10, Issue 29 , April 2016, , Pages 21-44
The purpose of this study first is to develop a model to measure Iran’s Image from the perspective of those who have not visited Iran and then to investigate the effects of some factors such as Macro image of the destination, tourists’ motivation for travelling to Iran and marketing communication ...
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The purpose of this study first is to develop a model to measure Iran’s Image from the perspective of those who have not visited Iran and then to investigate the effects of some factors such as Macro image of the destination, tourists’ motivation for travelling to Iran and marketing communication activities of the destination on the dimensions of the destination image. In the research, a mixed approach was adopted. The statistical populations of both quantitative and qualitative studies include members of Couch surfing and Linked-in social networks. For this purpose, a sample of 74 potential tourists were participated in the qualitative study and 520 ones were participated in the quantitative study. In order to identify the dimensions of the destination image, the content analysis technique was employed. The participants of the quantitative study were selected through a convenient sampling method. In order to identify the dimensions of the destination image exploratory factor analysis was applied. The research data were analyzed through confirmatory factor analysis in the AMOS software. The findings showed that Macro image of Iran, tourists’ motivation for traveling to Iran and marketing communication activities of the destination affect the dimensions and overall image of Iran. Destination image in turn affects the tourists’ intention to visit Iran.
fereshte mansuri moayed; samira soleymani
Volume 7, Issue 18 , August 2012, , Pages 93-110
Purpose of this study is to compare the destination image among tourists who take benefit of different marketing tools for their information gathering. Iran was chosen as the study destination and the potential foreign tourists who were willing to visit Iran and were somehow in search of information ...
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Purpose of this study is to compare the destination image among tourists who take benefit of different marketing tools for their information gathering. Iran was chosen as the study destination and the potential foreign tourists who were willing to visit Iran and were somehow in search of information for choosing their travel destination, comprised the statistical population. The method employed for gathering data is survey. Findings reveal that internet, as the tourists’ most important tool for information collection, significantly affects the affective image of tourists, rendering a completely different affective image of destination among users and non-users of internet. Among various marketing tools, word of mouth, tourism magazines and brochures are the next most important marketing tools after internet. Despite the fact that internet is recognized as the most important marketing tool, guidebooks and brochures are identified to have the main impact on the destination image of Iran, after which comes word of mouth in the second place.
mehdi karubi
The main purpose of this study is to analyze the relationships among information sources, destination image and destination choice decisions of potential travelers. A conceptual model was generated on the basis of literature review in which five hypotheses were proposed. Research instrument administrated ...
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The main purpose of this study is to analyze the relationships among information sources, destination image and destination choice decisions of potential travelers. A conceptual model was generated on the basis of literature review in which five hypotheses were proposed. Research instrument administrated in the English language was used for this study. Data analysis was conducted in two stages. First, exploratory factor analyses using principal component method with Varimax rotation were conducted on destination image and information sources to examine their dimensionalities and psychometric properties. In the second stage, multiple regressions were used to test hypothesized relationships among all image factors, information sources and choice of Iran as a tourism destination. All of these procedures were performed using SPSS 17. The results confirmed that information sources have a significantly positive effect on destination image and choice decisions. The theoretical and managerial implications were drawn on the study findings.