Document Type : Research Paper



Climatic and geographical features of Gorgan (e.g. lying in the
vicinity of North - and Razavi-khorasan, Semnan, Tehran, and
Mazandaran provinces) on the one hand and its cultural and historical
attractions (e.g. Existence of Turkman people and their handicrafts) on
the other, have rendered this city into a prominent tourist spot. This
research, aims to evaluate the Gorgan - tourists’ satisfaction level and
the principal factors affecting it. After distribution of 250
questionnaires, data were analyzed through descriptive and analytical
statistics methods. Results indicate that four factors including service
quality, environmental quality, host behavior quality, and services
cost, can explain more than %54 of the variance of the variables. Also,
a significant correlation is observed between the mentioned factors
and the tourists’ satisfaction level. At the end, some suggestions are
proposed for improving tourists’ satisfaction and tourism development
in Gorgan.


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