Document Type : Research Paper



Customer Relationship Management (CRM) plays a very essential role in organization strategies because of the globalization, increase of competition and rapid advances of technology at businesses. On the other hand, in today's world, social networks (medias) have a very important role in the lives of people, so that these medias are the integral part of today's life. With increasing the popularity of these networks among Iranian users, it has become a place where people can exchange information. And it also has an accessibility for extracting people’s interests. The combination of these two subjects can be a key business strategy that is so important in service organizations of developed countries. Hence, to identify the usage barriers of social networks in the Iran service organizations, after extracting effective elements from the previous studies, three hypotheses were compiled. And also a sample of 542 customers was selected and a questionnaire with LICERT scale (spectrum) was designed. The sample was distributed among experts and professors of Marketing and Management, to assess the outward validity and content of tools, desirably. Crunbach’s alpha coefficients had the appropriate level for all of the variables. after analyzing the heuristic factor and confirmatory, the results show that technological and legal factors, have the most effect as an obstacle on the usage of social networks in order to communicate with customer's demographic features analyzed according to the descriptive statistics and Friedman ranking performed for completion of results.


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