Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor at the Tourism Management Department Faculty of Management and Accounting, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran

2 Masters Graduate in Tourism Management, Faculty of Management and Accounting Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran


The tourism industry is facing many challenges, including rapid economic and social changes, and by entering the experience economy, tourists are looking for deep and meaningful experiences. In the meantime, the use of innovations such as gamification as a tool to respond to these challenges and create a lasting tourism experience has become particularly important. This research investigates the possibility of using gamification in Saad Abad complex of Tehran in order increase the memorability of the tourism experience. Based on the memorable Experience Design model, a game was designed that aimed to increase visitor engagement and participation. Afterwards, the impact of the game on the visitors' experience was measured through a questionnaire designed based on the MED model, in two stages before and after the game, using the within-subject method. In the end, the results of the research showed that gamification can help increase the memorability of a tourism experience.


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