Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Student in Business Management, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Management, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran.

3 Department of Management, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran

4 Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Hadishahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Hadishahr, Iran.


 This study aims to explore the value creation process in the tourism industry to model experience-based management approaches.
 In the first stage, using the meta-combined method, the researcher investigated the studies conducted on the subject from 1982 (based on the studies of Holberg and Hirschman) to 2020 and identified ten dimensions as dimensions of the tourist experience, which are: sensory, emotional, cognitive dimensions, etc. Then the experience-based management approaches have been studied, and the two approaches of step-by-step experimentation and co-creation experience have been modeled and validated based on the dimensions of experience. In the second stage, according to the information obtained from the literature study, a questionnaire was prepared and provided to several university professors and marketing and tourism researchers. After applying the necessary comments and corrections, it was distributed among 440 tourists who had traveled to Malaysia, UAE, Azerbaijan, and Turkey in the last five years. The model was then validated using AMOS24 and SPSS24 software.
The findings show that the five-dimensional step-by-step experience approach provides tourists with participation and leads to co-creation by influencing the five dimensions of sensory, emotional, cognitive, mental, and novelty experience approach. The experience-creation approach encompasses the behavioral, value, social, practical, and instructive dimensions of experience.
Service providers in the tourism industry, using a step-by-step experience approach even before choosing a tourist destination by producing appropriate content to identify tourist attractions, draw attention to themselves, and provide the reasons for choosing a destination. Also, when a person is in an experiential environment, by providing a platform for participation in the next step, the experience of co-creation is caused. Thus, providing memorable experiences by focusing on the experiential values of customers causes loyalty to tourists and helps the growth of the Tourism Industry.
 Using a combined method to identify the dimensions of experience and modeling experience management approaches and introducing a tool to measure the approaches studied has been one innovation of this research.


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