Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Business Management, Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, Iran

2 M.Sc in Business Management Marketing Orientation, Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, Iran


When eating local food in a destination, multiple consumption values tend to be important for tourists. Investigating the impact of these values ​​on the perception and behaviour of tourists helps the food tourism industry in Iran because, in this way, the behavioural responses of tourists in the future can be discovered. Accordingly, this study strived to investigate the effect of multiple consumption values ​​of tourists (functional, emotional, social and Epistemic value) on attitudes toward local food and food destination image as effective factors in the occurrence of behavioural responses by tourists in the future (Intention to recommend local food to others and intention to revisit a destination for food tourism) in the context of stimulus-organism-response (SOR). The research is applied in terms of the purpose and is descriptive and survey in terms of the data collection method. A questionnaire was used to collect the required data. The statistical population of this study encompasses all tourists who have eaten local food in one of the five cities of Iran, including Isfahan, Shiraz, Kerman, Tabriz and Rasht. Using G-
Power software, 400 acceptable samples were collected. Data analysis was performed using structural equation modelling running Smart PLS 3.0 software. The results show that the​​ multiple consumption values of tourists (functional, emotional, social and epistemic value) have a positive and significant effect on attitudes toward local food and food destination image and the attitude towards local food. Furthermore, the food destination image positively and significantly impacts tourists' behavioural intentions.
Iran has a lot of local food due to climatic diversity, climate, different ethnicities and cultures. Also, the Iranian culinary school is one of the three main schools of food and the Roman and Chinese culinary schools, and Iranian food is known as the third food school in the world. Food tourism has many benefits. For example, tourism can be considered as a tool for rural development that stimulates the economy, protects existing jobs and creates employment; all of this ultimately leads to many economic benefits. Therefore, by promoting local food in Iranian cities, the necessary ground will be provided to grow food tourism in Iran. To develop food tourism, identifying how the experience of local food shapes the value of tourists 'consumption is essential to understanding tourists' perceptions of their destination and their future behaviours. Therefore, it can be said that the effect of tourists' consumption values when eating local food in Iranian cities on their future behavioural responses through their attitude towards local food and the image of a food tourism destination that is formed in their minds; It can be a great help to the development of food tourism in Iran. Because the positive attitude and image formed from the local food of a destination in the minds of tourists, it can lead to behaviours such as the intention to revisit the destination for food tourism and recommend local food to others in the future. Therefore, this study aims to understand the responses of tourists in the future to the development of food tourism in Iran and to explore the relationships between a series of variables in this field using the SOR framework.
Materials and Methods
This research is applied in terms of nature and purpose and descriptive and survey in the data collection method. Research data were collected through a questionnaire. The questionnaire was prepared by studying previous research and their localization and has been reviewed and approved by three professors in tourism. Cronbach's alpha of all questions is higher than 0.7 and indicates the high reliability of the questionnaire. The study's statistical population includes all domestic tourists who have eaten local food in one of the five cities of Isfahan, Shiraz, Kerman, Tabriz and Rasht. The sample size was 400 people. The sample size includes 400 tourists who have eaten local Iranian food in restaurants, hotel restaurants or eco-tours of the above five cities. The structural equation approach and Smart PLS software have been used to test the research hypotheses.
Discussion and Results
Based on the research results, a positive relationship was found between functional, emotional, social and epistemic value with attitudes towards local food and the image of food tourism destination. Results show; that tourists experience eating quality local food, healthy, at a reasonable cost. Also, this experience should be accompanied by the pleasure and entertainment of socializing with friends, family or food suppliers in a natural environment. In addition, they perceive this experience as a new experience to expand their knowledge and realize their curiosity. A positive attitude towards local food is formed in them, and a positive food image of the destination is engraved in their minds. These results show that multiple consumption value dimensions shape attitudes toward local food and food tourism destinations' image. Also, a positive relationship between attitudes toward local food and the image of the food tourism destination with the behavioral responses of food tourists (intention to revisit a food tourism destination and recommend local food to others) has been found.
Findings show that attitudes toward local food and image of food tourism destination resulting from functional, emotional, social and epistemic values can elicit positive behavioural responses from tourists to recommend destination-specific food to others and Revisit the destination for food tourism. In general, lasting memories and better experiences are created when food consumption experiences provide a high Epistemic, social, practical, and emotional value. For this reason, marketing strategies for the development of food tourism in Iran should be designed based on these values of tourist consumption compared to local food, so the expectations and needs of tourists are more met and encouraged them to Return to food destinations and recommend local food to others


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