tourism management
Morteza Ahmadi; Mahmood Ziaee; Reza Vaezi; Gholamreza Kazemian
This research has been achieved to recognize the type of dominant rationality in the Vision Plan of Heritage and Tourism Development in Iran. The tourism planning system in the world has experienced noticeable changes under the influence of transformations that took place in the philosophical and social ...
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This research has been achieved to recognize the type of dominant rationality in the Vision Plan of Heritage and Tourism Development in Iran. The tourism planning system in the world has experienced noticeable changes under the influence of transformations that took place in the philosophical and social paradigms in recent decades. The present research is based on interpretive epistemology and, regarding the methodological aspect, has been considered qualitative research. Archival studies and thematic analysis with explorative purpose were used for data gathering and analysis. Base on this study’s findings, instrumental rationality, with 48 themes out of 71 and its correspondent planning theory, rational planning, has been dominant in formulating the Vision Plan of Heritage and Tourism Development in Iran. Also, we observed a small share of other types of rationality among the themes recognized in the Vision Plan. Analysis and comparison of the share for each type of rationality made it clear that coordinative rationality has been ignored. Therefore, revising the Vision Plan regarding new approaches to tourism planning is inevitable. The research results indicated that applying coordinative rationality as a combination of various rationality types could pave the way for achieving tourism development objectives in Iran.Introduction Tourism planning has been transformed by theories such as communicative and participative approaches and paradigms dominating urban, rural, and regional planning. The emergence of alternative and sustainable tourism can signify these changes. This research aimed to recognize the type of dominant rationality on the Vision Plan-2025 for Heritage and Tourism Development in Iran endorsed by the Cabinet in 2004. The concept of rationality in this research is considered in the Alexander Model (2000) framework and based on new planning theories and contemporary tourism planning approaches. In the new age, called the post-rationality era, rationality in planning was redefined so that its meaning extended from instrumental rationality to include communicative, strategic, and coordinative rationality. Dominant planning approaches in the 1950s were physical and sectoral planning based on the traditional rational planning approach. Since the 1960s, the domain of planning extended to social-cultural areas and the concept of space, including human beings, their living environment, and economic, social, and cultural activities taken into account in planning. In the 1980s, a new approach to planning appeared that did not believe in top-down planning but believed in the host community's participation in planning and implementation.Materials and MethodsThe philosophical aspect of this research regarding epistemology was based on an interpretive approach. Understanding tourism and planning for tourism development requires understanding the multiple dimensions of tourism regarding social-cultural and economic aspects and interpreting the concept of the system for tourism stakeholders as well as policymakers. Considering the users, the research is applied and developmental research. The findings of this study can be used by tourism policymakers, planners, stakeholders, the scientific society, and researchers. The research area is cross-sectional, and the scale is national. This qualitative research's statistical population and data sources are the documents of mentioned Vision Plan. Data gathering and analysis were conducted following the qualitative research. This study used the Astrid-Sterling model of themes networks for thematic analysis. The researchers took five steps for coding and recognized basic themes, main themes, organizing themes, and global themes. Finally, a map of themes in the format of themes network of rationality in the Vision Plan was presented.Discussion and ResultsThe results of the literature review clarified two issues. Firstly, under the influence of planning theory and dominant paradigms on urban, rural, and regional planning, tourism development planning has changed in recent decades, leading to the emergence of alternative tourism approaches like responsible tourism, eco-tourism, community-based tourism, and sustainable tourism. Secondly, reconsidering the concept and dimensions of rationality in the recent century has a vital role in planning theory in such a way that the type of rationality in each era has been determinative of identifying the type of planning theory. For further explanation, we can refer to communicative rationality recognized in the 1980s by Habermas, considered the foundation of communicative planning theory. This approach was the reaction against instrumental rationality that was the basis for traditional rational planning theory. Therefore, the type of rationality is the determinant for the corresponding planning theory. Analysis of a total of 71 themes in the Vision Plan for Tourism Development in Iran indicated the share for each type of rationality, which included 48 themes (the maximum) related to instrumental rationality, ten themes to communicative rationality, nine themes to strategic rationality, and finally, four themes (the minimum) to coordinative rationality.ConclusionsWith the analysis and comparison of the share of various types of rationality in the Vision Plan of cultural heritage and tourism in Iran, we concluded that the dominant rationality for formulating the Plan had been instrumental. Regarding the lack of consideration for all types of rationality, particularly coordinative rationality in the Plan on the one hand, and the fact that more than 18 years have passed since the compilation of the Plan on the other hand, it is necessary to revise the Vision Plan, taking into accounts the coordinative planning theory in the following areas:- Establishment of a powerful coordinating institution with sufficient authority for making the related organizations cooperate in revising, formulating, implementing, supervising, and evaluating the Plan.- Integration of tourism policies and plans and linkage with the macro policies. Formulation and endorsement of tourism macro policies through the Supreme Council for Cultural Heritage and Tourism. -Formulation of a network for public-private participation and related stakeholders for developing tourism in Iran.
Gholamreza Kazemian; Omid Ali Kharazmi; Mostafa Mojaver Jourabchi
The image of the city, which is one of the basic prerequisites of urban brand building, is composed of various aspects. These aspects can include architecture and urbanism, traffic and transport infrastructure, monuments, environmental features, range of services, culture, economic and science and technology ...
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The image of the city, which is one of the basic prerequisites of urban brand building, is composed of various aspects. These aspects can include architecture and urbanism, traffic and transport infrastructure, monuments, environmental features, range of services, culture, economic and science and technology characteristics of the city. Together, these factors create an overall image of the city in the minds of residents and tourists, affecting their attitudes and behavior in different contexts. Among these behaviors is the choice of travel time for tourists. In this research, this impact has been examined and investigated, to see whether is it possible to make the time travel of the city closer to the desired distribution of time by means of the modifications made to the image of the city, in other words, to counteract the seasonal phenomenon of tourism? Based on the results of a questionnaire analysis distributed among 392 tourists in Mashhad city, it was found that among the dimensions of the image of the city, the promotion of the two dimensions of "economy and commerce" and "environment" can have the greatest impact on balancing the time distribution of travel throughout the year and tackling the seasonality phenomenon.
Mahmood Ziaee; Davoud Abbasi Karjegan; Gholamreza Kazemian; Mahdi Karoobi
The purpose of this research is to provide the “Three-Dimensional Model of Tehran Tourism Management (TDMTTM)” using a two-stages exploratory mixed method design (qualitative-quantitative). At the first and second stages, content analysis and structural equation modeling have been used, respectively. ...
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The purpose of this research is to provide the “Three-Dimensional Model of Tehran Tourism Management (TDMTTM)” using a two-stages exploratory mixed method design (qualitative-quantitative). At the first and second stages, content analysis and structural equation modeling have been used, respectively. The validity of questionnaire is as content and face validity. Content validity ratio (CVR) and content validity index (CVI) was estimated to be 0.69 and 0.79, respectively. The obtained reliability in Cronbach's Alpha coefficient method is 0.933 and in split of method is 0.0806, respectively. The sample comprises of 400 persons of tourism managers, experts, and professors, from whom the total of 387 valid questionnaires. Were obtaind the The results show that it is necessary to consider structural, environmental, and content factors in designing Tehran Tourism Management Model, and accordingly. “ The Three-Dimensional Model of Tehran Tourism Management (TDMTTM) was developed.”.
gholamreza kazemian; elham azadi
This article is about the capability of urban tourism development in central district of Tehran with the urban management approach, dealing with a primary question about evaluation of urban tourism development capabilities of city-central districts and secondary questions about traits and capabilities ...
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This article is about the capability of urban tourism development in central district of Tehran with the urban management approach, dealing with a primary question about evaluation of urban tourism development capabilities of city-central districts and secondary questions about traits and capabilities of central district of Tehran. This research is a qualitative study, using “grounded theory” method as a tool for gathering and analysis of the data. Data has been collected through deep interviews and field observations. Our sample study is comprised of 31 urban actives that were selected by means of aimed sampling in four groups: state section, private section, public section, and citizens. Results drawn from the paradigm model show that urban tourism in central district of Tehran has not been developed enough to fulfill its capabilities. The Solution proposed is changing the economic central district to cultural central district. In this paper the present position of central district of Tehran and its probable ideal position have been shown in a three-dimensional model; and a pattern composed of both culture-based and economics-based tourism development has been recognized as a suitable pattern for actualizing tourism development potentials in central district of Tehran.