mahmood ziaee; elmira soltani
Global warming caused by excessive consumption of fossil fuels and carbondioxide emissions is becoming the most important environmental issue in theworld. Tourism industry causes 5% of total carbon dioxide and 14% of totalgreen house of the world. Energy consumption in tourism is in direct relationwith ...
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Global warming caused by excessive consumption of fossil fuels and carbondioxide emissions is becoming the most important environmental issue in theworld. Tourism industry causes 5% of total carbon dioxide and 14% of totalgreen house of the world. Energy consumption in tourism is in direct relationwith tourists behaviors. To succeed in changing unsustainable behavior andreinforce sustainable behavior should be aware of the factors affecting it. Thisstudy explores the factors affecting the tourists’ intentions to conduct lowcarbonbehaviors from a Protection Motivation theory perspective. Populationof the study consists of Tehran citizens of district 1, which are selected by multiStage Cluster Sampling. A questionnaire was used to collecte data. Foranalyzing collected data, structural equation modeling was used. Findings showthat variables of tourists “Perceived vulnerability”, “Perceived responseefficacy” and “Perceives self-efficacy” have the most effect on their low carbonbehavioral intention respectively