pezhman hatamifar
Evaluation of different parts of tourism will cause the optimized resourceallocation of development plans and strategies, thereupon evaluating these partshas become essential in various destinations. Rural tourism consider as one ofthe main forces of developing and welfare of rural economies. In such ...
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Evaluation of different parts of tourism will cause the optimized resourceallocation of development plans and strategies, thereupon evaluating these partshas become essential in various destinations. Rural tourism consider as one ofthe main forces of developing and welfare of rural economies. In such term,rural tourism supply chain evaluation is regarded as one of the major strategiesfor developing the rural area. Tourism supply chain evaluation states that how atourism product is manufactured and when and how will perform in tourists andwhich outcome it will cause. Despite the undeniable importance of this issue,there has not been any study devoted to tourism supply chain and investigatingits performance. This study will evaluate rural tourism supply chain with DataEnvelopment Analysis (DEA) in Mesr village, Iran, in 2015 and will offersolutions in way of improvement and enrichment of its performance. The resultsindicate that five factors of transportation, visitor information, accommodation,infrastructures and attractions function properly and catering services,Entertainment and shopping facilities have inappropriate functions in Mesrtourism supply chain.