Saeed Shafia; Mirali Seyyed Naghavi
In branding projects, the lack of a suitable domestic model for branding causing inefficiency. The aim of this research is to provide a model based on the human activities of the tourism sector of Iran. This fundamental research is of a qualitative type, which was done using grounded theory; so, the ...
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In branding projects, the lack of a suitable domestic model for branding causing inefficiency. The aim of this research is to provide a model based on the human activities of the tourism sector of Iran. This fundamental research is of a qualitative type, which was done using grounded theory; so, the research data were collected using the library studies and interviews with 20 managers familiar with this concept. Findings show that institutionalization of a brand in human resources is the main phenomenon of internal branding and communication, educational, knowledge management and human resources management play the role of causal factors. Also, leadership-facilitation and motivational-management categories have a strategic role in this model. The innovation of this research is the presentation of a model derived from the background data of the Iranian community. Until now no other model was proposed for the tourism and services sector of Iran. This study showed that the internalization and alignment of employees with the brand not only results in desirable employee outcomes, but also leads to financial rewards, stakeholder interests, and desirable spiritual outcomes. Therefore, domestic branding is an inward measure for the development of all sectors of tourism.
mohammad reza rezvani; Mahdieh sabaghpour; saeed shafia
Governance is a procedure that with all its dimension, ultimately brings the mission of improving the quality of government services to the citizens within the framework of indicators such as transparency, justice, partnership, effectiveness and flexibility. The purpose of this study is to investigate ...
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Governance is a procedure that with all its dimension, ultimately brings the mission of improving the quality of government services to the citizens within the framework of indicators such as transparency, justice, partnership, effectiveness and flexibility. The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of key players of electronic tourism in Iran in the realization of electronic governance. Therefore; good governance indicators were distinguished by the main players in the field of electronic tourism. In terms of research methodology, this is an applied research with qualitative orientation and used survey strategy. So, while reviewing and analyzing theoretical foundations, referring to library documents and using snowball sampling method, exploratory interviews were conducted and the interviews continued until the researcher's theoretical saturation. The results of the research presented in the form of an analytical model, show the contingent, passive and in some cases, the limited impact of government, electronic service providers and electronic consumers of Iran on good governance practices. The results showed that although there are good rules for achieving good governance, the cross-sectoral nature of tourism and the lack of a coherent and strategic look, the inadequate implementation of the talents in the laws and envisaged institutions, the conflict of interests and the power of the actors to obtain public interest, has been challenged the issue of access to good governance
Saeed Shafia; Mahdie Sabaghpour Azarian
Today’s Human is trapped in materialistic and physical changes, this fact has made him sick of repetition and routine Today’s Human is trapped in materialistic and physical changes, this fact hasmade him sick of repetition and routine flow of life, this is while the twodimensions of ...
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Today’s Human is trapped in materialistic and physical changes, this fact has made him sick of repetition and routine Today’s Human is trapped in materialistic and physical changes, this fact hasmade him sick of repetition and routine flow of life, this is while the twodimensions of spirituality and physical aspect are inseparable from humanbeing, but seems like spirituality is being more and more ignored thus human isseeking for the meanings and values to free himself of perplexity. Tourism as aphenomenon is being known as a means of searching for meaning of being.Modern Tourists differ from the traditional travellers, their curiosity conveysthem to seek, realize and reach to the level of awareness. Thus far, it isundeniable that the huge number of studies had been focused on economic andmonetary impacts of tourism and less attended to the spiritual concepts of it.This qualitative research investigates on re-defining and clarifying of thespirituality concept through tourism and complements the achievements byanalyzing the English and Persian literature aligning with interviews of expertsin this field. The results of the research illustrate the tourism influence on theexpansion of spiritual aspects in tourists’ lives and the conceptual frameworkclassifies the findings through main factors and sub factors of spirituality intourism