sayed ehsan hoseinipor; hosein rezaie doolatabadi; ali kazemi
travel intention is one of the variables that tourism marketing experts interest itto analyze consumer behavior in tourism. In this article, pull and push factorsthat affect travel intention of religious tourism were extracted with Delphimethod firstly and then the model that it was submitted base of ...
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travel intention is one of the variables that tourism marketing experts interest itto analyze consumer behavior in tourism. In this article, pull and push factorsthat affect travel intention of religious tourism were extracted with Delphimethod firstly and then the model that it was submitted base of experts attitudesand library studies was tested with smart PLS software. Base of expertsattitudes, the most important push factors are Age, tourist belief to requirementof destination Pilgrimage, Being religious, the impetus for faith increasing,Religious travel experience, the impetus for the forgiveness of sins. The mostimportant pull factors are existence of night life in destination, mentioningdestination name in the Quran and the Hadiths, development of destinationtransportation, the fame of destination, development of health services indestination. Base of results, some pull factors with some push factors, some pullfactors with attitude, attitude with desire and desire with travel intention ofreligious tourism have relationship.