Jila Sajadi; Arman moslemi; Roghayeh Samadi
Nowadays, the natural sources as a main ecotourism assets confront withvarious challenges. Thus, evaluation of eco-tourist regions and bio ecologyfunctions in the course of decisions – making and economic policies isaccounted as a most important branches of development and planning of tourismindustry. ...
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Nowadays, the natural sources as a main ecotourism assets confront withvarious challenges. Thus, evaluation of eco-tourist regions and bio ecologyfunctions in the course of decisions – making and economic policies isaccounted as a most important branches of development and planning of tourismindustry. The recreational region of Rudbar Qasran is one of the ecotourismattractions of Shemiranat division located on Tehran and is accounted as one oftourism destinations. Thus, to study it’s ecotourism value could be effective inpredication of demands and provision of defects as well as in development oftourism.The research method is descriptive and the aim of the present researchis to estimate ecotourism value of Rudbar Qasran via conditional valuation.Through Logit model and binary choice the effect of factors which affectingwillingness of tourists to spend to visit touristic attractions of the region. Thequestionnaire The average willingness to pay by the tourists is about 7100 Rialsfor any household for use of tourism services of Rudbar Qasran and with regardto this level, the average recreational value of services and facilities of givenregion is estimated to 3550 million Rials. Thus, concerning to high value ofgiven region, should be paid more attention to development of tourism andpromotion of visitor’s accommodations by planners.