Mohsen Nazari; Roza Hendijani; Zeinab Mohammadi; Saeideh Esmaeili
Eye tracking patterns will be used to explain how people's brain processes when faced with visual stimuli in travel agency advertising packages. The purpose of this study was to explore the effect of price points (discount formatting) and price visibility (Variable display location) on people's attention ...
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Eye tracking patterns will be used to explain how people's brain processes when faced with visual stimuli in travel agency advertising packages. The purpose of this study was to explore the effect of price points (discount formatting) and price visibility (Variable display location) on people's attention towards prices in social media campaigns. The research variables are the time to first fixation, fixation count at the price, visit duration, and visit count to the area of interest. The results of the experiment showed that discount formatting had an impact on fixation count, visit duration, and visit count on the price, and the presentation of discounts in the form of cash and gifts attracted more attention. Also the price displayed at the top left got more attention.
Mohammadali Shahhoseini; Mohsen Nazari; Mohamad saleh Torkestani; Fatemeh Ghorbani
Abstract The corporate social responsibility approach and the tourism industry are directly related to the community and the environment and are somehow intertwined and highly interrelated. This research aimed to present a conceptual model of corporate social responsibility in Iran’s tourism. A ...
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Abstract The corporate social responsibility approach and the tourism industry are directly related to the community and the environment and are somehow intertwined and highly interrelated. This research aimed to present a conceptual model of corporate social responsibility in Iran’s tourism. A qualitative research approach has been used for conducting this research. This research’s statistical population has consisted of all tourism experts in 2018. The sample consists of 21 of them selected using purposive judgmental and snowball sampling methods; sampling was continued until theoretical saturation. The research tool was semi-structured interviews whose trustworthiness was assessed using the review method when coding and approval of research colleagues. The coding of the data was done manually, and according to the main purpose of the research, a paradigm model was constructed using the Grounded Theory approach. According to the results, the phenomenon of corporate social responsibility in the field of tourism includes various dimensions of "intra-company," "environmental," "economical," "social," "cultural," and "legal." The results also showed that "gaining social acceptance," "forming new concepts and knowledgeable and responsible tourists," "compensating for the negative effects of tourism," and "economic profitability" are the causal conditions affecting the implementation of this responsibility. Besides, intervening conditions and contexts affecting corporate social responsibility implementation strategies in the field of tourism in Iran were identified, which lead to "sustainable tourism development," "corporate competitive advantage," and "business sustainability."