Abbasi, Mosa
Evaluation of Geotouristic Potentials of Geomorphosites in Mahabad County [Volume 9, Issue 25, 2014, Pages 88-114]
Ajali, Amin
The Role of Advertising and Word of Mouth in Promoting Destination Brand Equity of Isfahan [Volume 9, Issue 25, 2014, Pages 34-68]
Alizadeh Touli, Mohammad
The Effects of Tourism on Urban Sustainable Development on the Base of Habitant's Views;
Case Study: Qeshm Island [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2015, Pages 39-72]
Amin Bidokhti, Ali Akbar
The Relationship of Community Attachment and
Community Involvement with Sustainable Tourism
Development: The Mediating Role of Perceived Effects [Volume 9, Issue 26, 2014, Pages 7-30]
Ara, Haydeh
Assessing the Tourism Potentials of Dissolution Landforms, Based on Pralong and Pralong Modified Models (Cocean), Case Study: Sarab, Seyed-Isa and Chehel-Peleh Caves) [Volume 9, Issue 25, 2014, Pages 142-158]
Azadi, Abbas
Estimated economic value of Taq Bostan using
Contingent Choice Method [Volume 9, Issue 26, 2014, Pages 83-96]
Azadi, Farhad
Estimated economic value of Taq Bostan using
Contingent Choice Method [Volume 9, Issue 26, 2014, Pages 83-96]
Bagherieh-Mashhadi, Amirhossein
Behavioral Effective Factors of Adopting Online Shopping in the Airline Industry [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2014, Pages 23-46]
Barati, Javad
The Role of Tourism in Creating Employment in Khorasan Razavi Province [Volume 9, Issue 25, 2014, Pages 106-141]
Barzkar, Mohsen
Evaluation of Geotouristic Potentials of Geomorphosites in Mahabad County [Volume 9, Issue 25, 2014, Pages 88-114]
Dehdashti, Zohre
The Role of Advertising and Word of Mouth in Promoting Destination Brand Equity of Isfahan [Volume 9, Issue 25, 2014, Pages 34-68]
Dehghan, Masoumeh
Potential of Adventure Tourism in Iran’ deserts Using S.W.O.T. Analysis Model [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2014, Pages 1-22]
Delavar, Ali
The Role of Social Networks in the Development of Electronic Tourism Marketing in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2015, Pages 1-16]
Ebrahimi, Mehdi
The Evaluation of Competitive Intelligence Maturity
Level in Hotels (Study on Yazd 3 and 4 star Hotels) [Volume 9, Issue 26, 2014, Pages 103-123]
Emami Meibodi, Ali
Estimated economic value of Taq Bostan using
Contingent Choice Method [Volume 9, Issue 26, 2014, Pages 83-96]
Fanni, Zohreh
The Effects of Tourism on Urban Sustainable Development on the Base of Habitant's Views;
Case Study: Qeshm Island [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2015, Pages 39-72]
Gaderi, Esmail
The Role of Social Networks in the Development of Electronic Tourism Marketing in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2015, Pages 1-16]
Hadadian, Alireza
Behavioral Effective Factors of Adopting Online Shopping in the Airline Industry [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2014, Pages 23-46]
Halabian, Amir Hossein
Trend of the Tourism Climatic Index in Isfahan City [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2014, Pages 143-164]
Hashemzadeh, Zhaleh
Customers' typology in medical tourism [Volume 9, Issue 26, 2014, Pages 31-58]
Heshmati, Fzaneh
Customers' typology in medical tourism [Volume 9, Issue 26, 2014, Pages 60-82]
Honarvar-Bavejdan, Fatemeh
Behavioral Effective Factors of Adopting Online Shopping in the Airline Industry [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2014, Pages 23-46]
Hosseini , Seyed Sadegh
Evaluating the Training Condition of Tour Guides in Iran Focusing the Proposal of an Educational Model at University Level [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2015, Pages 115-144]
Jafari, Sakineh
The Relationship of Community Attachment and
Community Involvement with Sustainable Tourism
Development: The Mediating Role of Perceived Effects [Volume 9, Issue 26, 2014, Pages 7-30]
Jahanbazi, Neda
Province Classification in Terms of Tourist Attractions [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2015, Pages 17-37]
Jalali, Seyed
Evaluation of the Strategy Implementation Obstacles in Tourism Industry [Volume 9, Issue 25, 2014, Pages 7-33]
Karroubi, Mehdi
The Evaluation of Competitive Intelligence Maturity
Level in Hotels (Study on Yazd 3 and 4 star Hotels) [Volume 9, Issue 26, 2014, Pages 103-123]
Khaksar, Mehdi
Estimated economic value of Taq Bostan using
Contingent Choice Method [Volume 9, Issue 26, 2014, Pages 83-96]
Khaksari, ali
Potential of Adventure Tourism in Iran’ deserts Using S.W.O.T. Analysis Model [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2014, Pages 1-22]
Khani, Sajjad
The Role of Advertising and Word of Mouth in Promoting Destination Brand Equity of Isfahan [Volume 9, Issue 25, 2014, Pages 34-68]
Kharazi, Pouriya
Assessing the Tourism Potentials of Dissolution Landforms, Based on Pralong and Pralong Modified Models (Cocean), Case Study: Sarab, Seyed-Isa and Chehel-Peleh Caves) [Volume 9, Issue 25, 2014, Pages 142-158]
Kianian, Mohammad Kia
Assessing the Tourism Potentials of Dissolution Landforms, Based on Pralong and Pralong Modified Models (Cocean), Case Study: Sarab, Seyed-Isa and Chehel-Peleh Caves) [Volume 9, Issue 25, 2014, Pages 142-158]
Majdi, Nima
The Role of Social Networks in the Development of Electronic Tourism Marketing in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2015, Pages 1-16]
Malekian, Mansoureh
Analyzing Factors Affecting Outdoor Recreation in Urban Parks: A Case Study in Alavi Park in Qom [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2015, Pages 73-94]
Mazloom, Nader Mazloom
Evaluation of the Strategy Implementation Obstacles in Tourism Industry [Volume 9, Issue 25, 2014, Pages 7-33]
Mirtaghian Roudsari, Seyed Mohammad
The Survey of the Gap between Existent Work Ethics
and Oral work Ethics [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2014, Pages 47-92]
Mirtorabi, Mohammad Taghi
Factors affecting the development of Astro-Tourism
Destinations [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2014, Pages 93-115]
Mohammadi, Zohreh
The Evaluation of Competitive Intelligence Maturity
Level in Hotels (Study on Yazd 3 and 4 star Hotels) [Volume 9, Issue 26, 2014, Pages 103-123]
Mohammad Mirzaei Bafghi, Maliheh
Identification and prioritization of entrepreneurial opportunities in the tourism industry
(Case study: city of Yazd) [Volume 9, Issue 26, 2014, Pages 131-147]
Mohammadnabi, Zohreh
Customers' typology in medical tourism [Volume 9, Issue 26, 2014, Pages 60-82]
Moradi, Anvar Moradi
Evaluation of Geotouristic Potentials of Geomorphosites in Mahabad County [Volume 9, Issue 25, 2014, Pages 88-114]
Mousavi, Seyyed Mohammad
An analysis of tourism service offices’ business
intelligence with fuzzy approach [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2014, Pages 117-142]
Naseri, Tahereh
Province Classification in Terms of Tourist Attractions [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2015, Pages 17-37]
Nasrolahi, Zahra
Province Classification in Terms of Tourist Attractions [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2015, Pages 17-37]
Nouri, Abolfazl
Customers' typology in medical tourism [Volume 9, Issue 26, 2014, Pages 60-82]
Poureidivand, Laleh
Trend of the Tourism Climatic Index in Isfahan City [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2014, Pages 143-164]
Pouryazdi, Samaneh
Analyzing Factors Affecting Outdoor Recreation in Urban Parks: A Case Study in Alavi Park in Qom [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2015, Pages 73-94]
Rafiei Darani, Hadi
The Role of Tourism in Creating Employment in Khorasan Razavi Province [Volume 9, Issue 25, 2014, Pages 106-141]
Rashidi, Mohammad Reza
Factors affecting the development of Astro-Tourism
Destinations [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2014, Pages 93-115]
Saberi, Amir
Evaluating the Ecotourism Potentials of Protected Areas in Attaining Sustainable Tourism Development
(Case study: Jahannama Protected Area, Gorgan) [Volume 9, Issue 25, 2014, Pages 70-86]
Safari, Ali
Investigating the Relationship between Knowledge Management, Entrepreneurship and Performance in Cultural Heritage, Handcrafts and Tourism Organization [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2015, Pages 95-113]
Safari, Saeid
Identification and prioritization of entrepreneurial opportunities in the tourism industry
(Case study: city of Yazd) [Volume 9, Issue 26, 2014, Pages 131-147]
Saieda Ardakani, Saied
An analysis of tourism service offices’ business
intelligence with fuzzy approach [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2014, Pages 117-142]
Salehi Karounian, Alireza
Evaluating the Ecotourism Potentials of Protected Areas in Attaining Sustainable Tourism Development
(Case study: Jahannama Protected Area, Gorgan) [Volume 9, Issue 25, 2014, Pages 70-86]
Salehi Karounian, Zeinab
Evaluating the Ecotourism Potentials of Protected Areas in Attaining Sustainable Tourism Development
(Case study: Jahannama Protected Area, Gorgan) [Volume 9, Issue 25, 2014, Pages 70-86]
Saleh zadeh, Reza
Investigating the Relationship between Knowledge Management, Entrepreneurship and Performance in Cultural Heritage, Handcrafts and Tourism Organization [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2015, Pages 95-113]
Seyed Naghavi, Mir Ali
The Survey of the Gap between Existent Work Ethics
and Oral work Ethics [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2014, Pages 47-92]
Shafie Roudposhti, Meysam
An analysis of tourism service offices’ business
intelligence with fuzzy approach [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2014, Pages 117-142]
Shahverdi Ghahfarokhi, Shole
Assessing the Tourism Potentials of Dissolution Landforms, Based on Pralong and Pralong Modified Models (Cocean), Case Study: Sarab, Seyed-Isa and Chehel-Peleh Caves) [Volume 9, Issue 25, 2014, Pages 142-158]
Shooraj, Fardin
Investigating the Relationship between Knowledge Management, Entrepreneurship and Performance in Cultural Heritage, Handcrafts and Tourism Organization [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2015, Pages 95-113]
Tabatabaeinasab, Seyed Mohammad
Customers' typology in medical tourism [Volume 9, Issue 26, 2014, Pages 60-82]
Tajzadeh Namin, Abolfazl
Customers' typology in medical tourism [Volume 9, Issue 26, 2014, Pages 31-58]
Zahmatkesh, Zaynab
The Effects of Tourism on Urban Sustainable Development on the Base of Habitant's Views;
Case Study: Qeshm Island [Volume 9, Issue 28, 2015, Pages 39-72]
Zargham Broujeni, Hamid
Factors affecting the development of Astro-Tourism
Destinations [Volume 9, Issue 27, 2014, Pages 93-115]