hamid zargham; banafsheh atrsaai
Volume 4, Issue 11.12 , May 2006, , Pages 81-100
The purpose aims tostudy the craft purchase behavior of European tourists in Isfahan and identify the determinants factors of this activity. lnthis study, tourists' purchase is based on the three- dimensional, conceptual model of Oh(2007). This model shows the relationship among demographic attributes, ...
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The purpose aims tostudy the craft purchase behavior of European tourists in Isfahan and identify the determinants factors of this activity. lnthis study, tourists' purchase is based on the three- dimensional, conceptual model of Oh(2007). This model shows the relationship among demographic attributes, travel features, destination's environmental/ contextual characteristics and rourists' expenditure on handicrafts. The relation between the first three factors and tourists' expenditure on handicrafts in Isfahan has been analyzed via inferential statistics and the items of each of those variables have been ranked according to their relation with the expenditure. Tourists· craft purchase preferences have been prioritized using descriptive statistics and their expenditure has been ev aluated.
hamid zargham; moslem shojaee
Volume 3, Issue 9 , August 2005, , Pages 74-90
Domestic tourism, with so many negative and positive social, cultural, economic and environmental impacts, is important part of internal travels. Studying tourists' attitudes, motivations and behaviors in destinations is very significant in identifying these impacts and contributes greatly to enhancing ...
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Domestic tourism, with so many negative and positive social, cultural, economic and environmental impacts, is important part of internal travels. Studying tourists' attitudes, motivations and behaviors in destinations is very significant in identifying these impacts and contributes greatly to enhancing the strengths and removing the weaknesses. It also enables the managers to come up with applicable solutions and helps them in decision making. The findings of this article are extracted from 100 questionnaires filled in 3 different locations on Haraz Road on March 2007. This paper tries to outline a profile of the tourists in Mazandaran Province in light of the gathered data.
hamid zargam
Volume 2, Issue 6 , December 2004, , Pages 1-18
hamid zargam
Volume 2, Issue 4 , June 2004, , Pages 69-84
Our country is blessed with numerous natural thermal spas located throughout the country where a wide range of medical conditions, ailments and disorders can be treated due to the therapeutic properties and quality of the waters used. This article focuses on spa resorts as it is .experienced by tourists. ...
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Our country is blessed with numerous natural thermal spas located throughout the country where a wide range of medical conditions, ailments and disorders can be treated due to the therapeutic properties and quality of the waters used. This article focuses on spa resorts as it is .experienced by tourists. The author has developed a table, based on the application of matrix evaluation techniques. The effort aims to support local and national authorities with a systematic and scientific basis for decision-making. This is exemplified through a Strategic Environmental Assessment of development planning. Also, this database provides a means to objectify present environmental conflicts. This contingency table is composed of physical, socio• economic and biological/ecosystems components. Data are generated from existing maps (e.g. land cover/use maps), statistica data a-id "ielc'work tu enable a pre1iminary impact analysis Statistical computations document significant potential environmertal i--ri:M't :.inrl 11\nc, cover changes in narticular for that within the framework of the economic benefits. implement ability, and necessity, achievements of these countries are compared. In order to undertake sound and sustainable tourism development in the future, and successfully compete in the international tourism market place, the role of the following factors need to be critically examined: Research, The economic impact of tourism, Indigenous components of product delivery in areas of food products, culture, architecture and appropriate technology, the manpower needs of the tourism industry, and Institutional framework.
hamid zargam
Volume 1, Issue 3 , March 2004, , Pages 39-56
Service industry has identified the customer or user as the most critical voice in assessing service quality. What are the costs behind supporting customer satisfaction? What are some of the issues you've had to address around customer-level satisfaction and how have you overcome them? These are the ...
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Service industry has identified the customer or user as the most critical voice in assessing service quality. What are the costs behind supporting customer satisfaction? What are some of the issues you've had to address around customer-level satisfaction and how have you overcome them? These are the main questions that have been discussed in this paper. In this paper we outline an overall approach for measuring service quality that differs substantially from the conventional paradigm. The conventional attitude-based approach relies on assumptions about the link between evaluations of service quality and subsequent behavior which are not supported by the substantive body of research findings. This paper explains a different approach which looks directly at service provision by using descriptive measures and seeks to relate these to observed buying behaviors. The approach has been trailed across a number of service categories with promising results. After a discussion of the differences between different methods, a quality perception measurement instrument for the company is developed and applied to a sample of railroad company clients.
Considering the importance of this item, tended to write the article that not only clarifies the side effects and results of tourism on development , but describes positive effects of cultural interaction as well as familiarizing ways and introduces the religious identity .
In the field of tourism between the two most important religions "Islam
& Christianity " made a survey about finding some ways to gain the contemplate and common comprehension.
Also mentioning existent problems and difficulties , tried to
demonstrate the last achievements . existing statistical data , and research results and finally have an extended discussion on solutions and suitable suggestions for clarifying methods of the industry ' s negative effects on the base of non - cultural relationships .
Wishing to obtain a successful trend in deepening Peace & Friendship. principles between these two divine religions in order to clarify the tourism common points .
hamid zargam
Volume 1, Issue 2 , December 2003, , Pages 67-94
Every Community interested in developing tourism to enhance or divers if ytheir economy wants to know how much good tourism can do for them .While tourism is not the answer to every community's economic challenges, it can provide economic benefits inmany cases. These economic benefits must then be compared ...
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Every Community interested in developing tourism to enhance or divers if ytheir economy wants to know how much good tourism can do for them .While tourism is not the answer to every community's economic challenges, it can provide economic benefits inmany cases. These economic benefits must then be compared to the social, cultural and environmental changes that tourism might bring in order to judge its acceptability in community economic development efforts. Translating visitors pending into economic impacts requires some information about the state or local economy, as well as procedures for dealing with good that visitors purchase at retail establishments. While some economic benefits and costs are very difficult to calculate, total economic impacts can be estimated relatively easily .In this paper a descripition of terms is provided first, next, the formulas