sajed Soleymanian; Zohreh Fanni
One of the components of the regeneration projects is the expansion of cultural tourism and location marketing, which considers the existence of historical contexts as a platform for having historical-cultural values. Along with such an approach, preserving, reviving, and updating the spatial-physical, ...
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One of the components of the regeneration projects is the expansion of cultural tourism and location marketing, which considers the existence of historical contexts as a platform for having historical-cultural values. Along with such an approach, preserving, reviving, and updating the spatial-physical, visual and aesthetic values of the ancient urban textures to make them desirable is discussed in this article. The city of Babolsar has been studied as one of the cities in Iran with touristic capability in the north of the country to evaluate the effective factors of tourism development in historical contexts. The study is applied research concerning purpose; The data collection method was quantitative using a questionnaire, and data analysis was conducted through multivariate regression test and path analysis. The research findings show that the re-creation of the basic culture is a factor in developing sustainable tourism in Babolsar and can be achieved by strengthening its factors (indigenous culture and local creative industries, art, traditional handicrafts, and preserving historical buildings). This study shows that the re-creation of cultural-historical contexts is closely related to the approach of urban tourism development in Iranian cities in general and in Babolsar in particular. At the same time, despite the unique opportunities of these structures, both in terms of physical and architectural attractions and historical rituals and traditions, the problems of tissue regeneration, severe shortages of tourism infrastructure, and limited and transient views of urban management can be the biggest obstacles to activating their capacities.