Mir Mohamad Asadi; Seyed Habibolah Mirghafoori; Jamileh Ghasemloi Soltanabad
The tourism industry is one of the most important phenomena in the current century, which, in the near future, could be the first and most important industry in the world. Influencing economy, this industry is an important factor to promote social and cultural purposes. Considering Iran’s main ...
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The tourism industry is one of the most important phenomena in the current century, which, in the near future, could be the first and most important industry in the world. Influencing economy, this industry is an important factor to promote social and cultural purposes. Considering Iran’s main economic problem, namely the reduction of oil revenues and reliance on the resistive economy, a comparison can be made among Iran, Turkey, and Malaysia. The present study in terms of purpose is applied-descriptive research and from the prospect of type is surveys, and the statistical population was expert_ university professors, tourism organization members, and agency managers; the method used for analyzing data was FCM (Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping). Based on the final model, the most influencing and influenced factors were as follows: Formulating a National tourism development plan in Iran, increasing capital and investment security in the tourism industry, improving international relations, recovering tourism infrastructures, developing domestic tourism, turning the structure of tourism organization into a ministry.