Naser Aminian; Mir Ali Seyed Naghavi
Considering the importance of the presence and participation of all stakeholders in the implementation of tourism development programs, the use of an optimal and integrated management model can allow us to integrate policies in line with development plans, utilize the conditions for the presence of all ...
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Considering the importance of the presence and participation of all stakeholders in the implementation of tourism development programs, the use of an optimal and integrated management model can allow us to integrate policies in line with development plans, utilize the conditions for the presence of all social, and material capital of the practitioner of this industry with strengthening the participatory platforms of the private sector.
Therefore, the purpose of this research is to identify the indicators and design a desirable governance model in the tourism industry of Iran. This is a qualitative, applied-development research based on the grounded theory. The statistical population includes university professors of tourism management, organization managers, parliamentarians, and tourism industry activists. The statistical sample consists of 26 people who have been selected using judgmental and snowball sampling. Semi-structured deep interviews with preset questions have been done by comparing data in open, axial, and selective coding to the theoretical saturation stage and separation of main and sub-categories. For data analysis, Strauss and Corbin’s grounded theory (1998) have been used.
The results show three indicators of integrated management, security and attitudes toward the target market are emerging indicators from the desired pattern of tourism good governance research. This template is a new strategy in modifying existing management practices, and the consequence of this is sustainable development and employment in the tourism industry. In the end, there are suggestions for the promotion of the Cultural Heritage and Tourism Organization to the Ministry of Tourism, integrated management of the organization's policies along with the participation of all sectors of the government, private affairs and associations in Iran.