Tourism planning
Pedram Faehadi; Mohammad Hasan Zaal; Nazanin Tabrizi
The study utilized a descriptive-analytical approach, employing documentary studies and field investigations to evaluate the criteria for establishing a cultural heritage village in the global precinct of Firozabad. A researcher-developed questionnaire was administered to 350 individuals from the local ...
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The study utilized a descriptive-analytical approach, employing documentary studies and field investigations to evaluate the criteria for establishing a cultural heritage village in the global precinct of Firozabad. A researcher-developed questionnaire was administered to 350 individuals from the local community, focusing on three critical criteria: heritage capacities, travel industry infrastructure, and community participation. Data analysis was conducted using statistical software, including SPSS and Smart PLS, incorporating descriptive statistics and inferential tests aligned with the research objectives. Given the region's rich cultural and natural attractions, The findings suggest favorable conditions for establishing a heritage village in the Firozabad global complex. However, challenges such as the need for comprehensive studies, management issues, and budget allocation need to be addressed. Additionally, the travel industry infrastructure requires improvement to meet global standards, necessitating public and private investment. Government support and community involvement are crucial for the success of heritage village initiatives, and educating the local community about the benefits of tourism can foster practical support for such projects.
Tourism planning
Pedram Farhadi; Nazanin Tabrizi
This research aims to assess the benefits of gamification and its impact on tourism development at the historical site of Persepolis. The research methodology employed in this study is descriptive-analytical and is based on documentary studies, field investigations, and researcher-designed questionnaires. ...
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This research aims to assess the benefits of gamification and its impact on tourism development at the historical site of Persepolis. The research methodology employed in this study is descriptive-analytical and is based on documentary studies, field investigations, and researcher-designed questionnaires. The target population for this research consists of active individuals in the tourism industry, with a sample size of 354 participants selected. Data analysis was conducted using tests such as average variance extracted (AVE), Fornell-Larcker, factor loading coefficients, Cronbach's alpha, composite reliability, and structural equation modeling, utilizing SPSS and Smart PLS software. The results of this study indicate that gamification exhibits a positive and significant relationship with all four dimensions under investigation: education, branding, loyalty, employment, and income generation. Gamification at Persepolis provides a recreational and educational experience and enables tourists to engage with the culture and history of the country they are visiting in a novel and interactive manner. With an enhanced tourist experience through gamification, Persepolis is poised to become a unique and captivating tourist destination.IntroductionThe text discusses the concept of "Gamification," which involves integrating game elements into non-game contexts. It was first introduced in 2008 and has since been applied in various fields, including tourism. However, its use in the tourism industry is still early. Gamification in tourism can enhance tourist interactions, satisfaction, brand awareness, and loyalty. It offers both external benefits, such as trip planning, and internal benefits, providing virtual travel experiences. Location-based and online games are vital in engaging tourists during their journeys. Gamification can be applied in organizational training programs to boost employee participation and skill acquisition. Overall, gamification is an innovative approach with the potential to transform how tourists engage with destinations, creating more exciting and interactive travel experiences. This article explores its application in the historical context of Persepolis, emphasizing its impact on branding, education, loyalty, and marketing in tourism. This article represents one of the initial academic endeavors in Iran to explore the significance and advantages of gamification in the historical and cultural context of Persepolis, shedding light on its potential impact on branding, education, loyalty, marketing, and the overall development of tourism at this historical site.Materials and methodsThis study aimed to evaluate the benefits of gamification and its impact on the tourism development of the historic Persepolis area. This study is of descriptive-analytical practical purposes, and the sampling method was simple randomization, with the study population including professors and tourism activists, 354 sampled according to Cochran's formula.Discussion and ResultsThe findings indicate that all hypotheses achieved statistical significance, thereby confirming the primary hypothesis of this investigation. Consequently, substantial associations exist among destination marketing, tourism education, and loyal tourists. It is evident that gamification positively influences tourism development in the Persepolis region.ConclusionsTravel should offer tourists a meaningful and engaging experience, and gamification is pivotal in achieving this objective within the tourism industry. The primary goal of implementing a gamification system is to induce a cognitive and emotional impact on users. In this context, it is essential to consider individuals’ intrinsic motivations, which revolve around engaging in an activity solely for its inherent enjoyment rather than being driven by external rewards, pressures, or stimuli.This research has unveiled further insights across various domains, including marketing, economic prosperity, and employment generation. By incorporating games that revolve around Persepolis’s rich history and culture, tourists are encouraged to spend extended periods in Marvdasht, subsequently fostering job creation and local community engagement. The gamification framework in tourism also contributes to developing sustainable tourism practices.Furthermore, brand attraction is deemed a crucial aspect of capital in the tourism sector, prompting extensive efforts in marketing to allure and retain tourists. Gamification significantly enhances the overall tourist experience, instrumental in retaining existing customers and enticing new visitors.
Fateme Gatbabaei Lehe; Nnazanin Ttabrizi; Mahmoud Sharepour
The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the cultural values of Babolsar citizens and their satisfaction with tourism activities. The present study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in methodological view. The sampling method of this research is simple ...
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The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the cultural values of Babolsar citizens and their satisfaction with tourism activities. The present study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in methodological view. The sampling method of this research is simple randomization. The statistical population of the study is the citizens of Babolsar, of which 382 were selected using the Cochran's formula. The research questionnaire was developed from standard questionnaires related to Hofstede cultural dimensions and satisfaction with tourism. For the first time, the present study measured the relationship between Hofstede dimensions and citizen satisfaction. SPSS software was used to perform descriptive tests and Inferential statistics of the research were done by PLS software. The results showed that the cultural values of citizens have a significant relationship to their satisfaction with tourism activities and this relationship was observed in three components of the six studied dimensions, including individualism/ collectivism, long/short-term orientation and indulgence/restraint. The city of Babolsar is a society with a cultural balance in the distribution of power, strong uncertainty avoidance, individualism, balance with a tendency towards feminism and a long-term and extremist orientation. IntroductionTourism is a global market in which the host and guest communities both have diverse cultures and interact with each other (Huang & Crotts, 2019). Cultural differences between communities can be seen as an attraction for deciding which tourist destination to choose. According to Hofstede's theory of cultural dimensions, the common cultural points of the people of a society can be achieved and based on this theory, the views and attitudes of the people of that society can be acquainted (Jung et al, 2017). On the other hand, cultural values are an essential part of the cultures of each region and affect other parts of it (Hassanzadeh, 1396). Further understanding of the culture of the host community and examining the dimensions and components affecting it can be effective in increasing the level of residents' satisfaction with tourism activities in a destination. The coastal city of Babolsar is one of the tourist areas of the country that has a long history of tourism and receives a large number of tourists every year (Khaksari et al, 1392).Therefore, the main question of the present study is what is the relationship between the cultural values of Babolsar citizens and their satisfaction with tourism activities? Materials and MethodsThe purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the cultural values of Babolsar citizens and their satisfaction with tourism activities. This research is descriptive-analytical in terms of practical purpose and the sampling method of this research is simple random and the statistical population of the study, the citizens of Babolsar, 382 people were selected as a sample through Cochran's formula. Discussion and ResultsThe results showed: The cultural values of the citizens of Babolsar have a significant relationship with their satisfaction with tourism. Thus, among the 6 dimensions of Hofstede's cultural values studied in this study, 3 components: individualism/ collectivism, long-term/ short-term orientation and indulgence/ restraint have a significant relationship with citizens' satisfaction with tourism. The findings of the present study are consistent with the findings of Hassanzadeh (1397) who studied the effect of cultural values on the perceived quality of health tourism services and concluded that the cultural dimensions of Hofstede have a positive and significant relationship with the perceived quality and the cultural values of tourists play a very important role in the quality of their perceived services of health tourism, but Findings from the present study with the findings of Radojevic et al (2019) who examined the hospitality culture of hotel staff in several countries studied based on two cultural aspects of Hofstede and concluded that the less individualism and extremism be, better service provided, does not match. ConclusionsThe results show that the cultural values of the citizens of Babolsar, which were measured by Hofstede theory of cultural dimensions, have a significant relationship with the level of citizens' satisfaction with tourism activities.The culture of a society can also be examined by measuring its specific cultural values. In this study, the cultural values of the host community were measured according to Hofstede's theory of cultural dimensions. Based on the results obtained from the present study, the culture of Babolsar citizens can be interpreted as follows: The analysis of the research findings showed that Babolsar society is a society with a cultural balance in the distribution of power, avoiding strong uncertainty, individualistic, balanced with a tendency towards feminism, a tendency to long-term and extreme orientation.The results of the research show that citizens have understood the positive and negative economic, environmental and social effects and to increase the level of satisfaction, the positive effects should be strengthened and the negative effects of tourism, which leads to a decrease in residents' satisfaction with tourism activities, should be more careful. Be. More attention to the welfare of residents, development of infrastructure, transportation and amenities and services, reduction of noise pollution and traffic control with better management and more detailed planning in the field of tourism, is effective in increasing residents' satisfaction with tourism activities. This issue has a significant impact on the lives of residents, especially during peak tourism times.