habib ebrahim pour; mohammad hasan zadeh; vali nemati
Volume 7, Issue 18 , August 2012, , Pages 73-92
Organizational citizenship behavior is a type of voluntary behavior that is displayed out of the person’s own willingness, without any extrinsic motivation. This behavior is beyond the predefined duties of the employee and is done for helping out the organization or the customer, and entails no ...
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Organizational citizenship behavior is a type of voluntary behavior that is displayed out of the person’s own willingness, without any extrinsic motivation. This behavior is beyond the predefined duties of the employee and is done for helping out the organization or the customer, and entails no compensation. Existence of people with such behavior in organizations, not only helps accomplishing the organizational goals, but also acts a source of competitive advantage for institutions. The fruit of such behavior in individual level is loyalty of employees to organization and the job. This loyalty in tourism and hoteliering arenas translates into multiple returning of tourists and recommendation of destinations to others. Respecting the importance of organizational citizenship behavior in prosperity of hotels and formation of tourist loyalty, the current research engages in the study of its influence on loyalty of tourists accommodating in 2 and 3 stared hotels of Sarein. The method is descriptive-survey type. Statistical population encompasses the customers, managers and employees of different sections of hotels. Findings of the research revealed that indexes of citizenship behavior influence the tourist’s loyalty by different weights. In the end, some suggestions are provided for the hotel managers.