mirza hasan hoseyni; azam sazvar
Tourism industry, due the fundamental role it has in the national economic growth, is one of the most sensitive industries to the quality issue. Also, identification of the level of tourists’ quality perception is the first step towards realizing tourists’ satisfaction goal and ultimately ...
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Tourism industry, due the fundamental role it has in the national economic growth, is one of the most sensitive industries to the quality issue. Also, identification of the level of tourists’ quality perception is the first step towards realizing tourists’ satisfaction goal and ultimately reaching a sustainable economy. This study attempts to shed light upon the gap between perception and expectation of foreign tourists visiting tourist attractions of Yazd. A total number of 270 questionnaires were distributed randomly to the tourists, 259 number of which were returned and collected. Our questionnaire was based on Narayan scale with ten dimensions, possessing approved reliability and validity. Results of the Mann-Whitney statistical test revealed that there exists a significant gap between respondent’s perceptions and expectations in the dimensions of information, price, hygiene, facilities, value for money, food, and security. For a better understanding of tourists’ needs, Kano model was taken advantage of. QFD results proposed 13 service elements that if applied, could lead to a better perception of quality among Yazd foreign tourists.