Azim Zarei; Fatemeh Ghorbani; Mino Pedramnia
The perception of visitors' behavioral intentions is of great importancefor destination managers and marketers. The present study is about tostudy the effective factors on visitors behavioral intentions in touristdestinations,which examines the effect of destinationattributes ,perceived quality of destination ...
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The perception of visitors' behavioral intentions is of great importancefor destination managers and marketers. The present study is about tostudy the effective factors on visitors behavioral intentions in touristdestinations,which examines the effect of destinationattributes ,perceived quality of destination offerings, perceived valueand satisfaction on behavioral intentions. The sample of the currentstudy considersall the visitors of Torghabe tourist destination inMashhad city in the summer of 2011 and chooses 494 visitorsrandomly. The research questionnaire was developed by theresearcher after confirming the validity and reliability of data and thenfollowed by their distribution; finally data collection was donethrough structural equation modeling and analyzed in LIZRELsoftware.the results shows destination attributes have direct positiveeffect on perceived quality of destination offerings; and on the otherhand, perceived value and satisfaction are under direct effect ofperceived value. Furthermore, the positive direct effect of perceivedvalue and satisfaction on behavioral intentions was confirmed. Theresults also indicated that visitors perceived value of destinationofferings has an indirect effect on behavioral intentions throughmediating variables of satisfaction and perceived value.