Mohammad Taghi Taghavifard; Abbass Saghaei; Aliakbar Daneshmand
Decision making about selecting quality-based programs is a sensitiveproblem in the firms looking for effectiveness and profitabilityadvantages. The aim of this paper is to utilize Simple AdditiveWeighting (SAW) method to deal with prioritizing quality-basedinvestments in service firms under fuzzy environment. ...
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Decision making about selecting quality-based programs is a sensitiveproblem in the firms looking for effectiveness and profitabilityadvantages. The aim of this paper is to utilize Simple AdditiveWeighting (SAW) method to deal with prioritizing quality-basedinvestments in service firms under fuzzy environment. For thispurpose, at first, alternatives (types of investment) will be identified.Then, exogenous preferences are identified according to thecompetitive environment and endogenous preferences are determinedusing the Five-Gaps Model of service quality and gaps analysis.Finally, between different types of investment, the best option isrecommended. Also, a real case – a travel agency – is studied todemonstrate the proposed method. The results indicate that the Five-Gaps Analysis model combined with multiple criteria decision making(MCDM) and fuzzy set theory have high ability in evaluation ofquality-based programs in service firms.