Aidin Tajzadeh-Namin; Abolfazl Tajzadeh-Namin; kambiz niknam
Nowadays, sport tourism has greatly expanded to include a wide range ofactivities, based on which, by arranging facilities and considering themarketing approaches, this type of tourism can be developed in Iran andin the Ardabil province particularly. Despite the importance of sporttourism, yet no serious ...
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Nowadays, sport tourism has greatly expanded to include a wide range ofactivities, based on which, by arranging facilities and considering themarketing approaches, this type of tourism can be developed in Iran andin the Ardabil province particularly. Despite the importance of sporttourism, yet no serious study has taken place in this respect in thementioned province or in Iran at all. Since sport tourism is a new conceptin Iran’s tourism industry and Ardabil province, so the important issue ishow to utilize these opportunities and capabilities in a right manner fromthe marketing perspective. In line of what was said above, in thisopportunity, it is attempted to review the sport tourism, and in themeanwhile, to investigate the perspective of domestic sport tourists aboutsport tourism marketing mix, and to develop an appropriate patternaccordingly. This is a descriptive – survey study, from the researchmethod perspective. Data are gathered through secondary and primarysources. The target population of the study are the domestic tourists whohave travelled to Ardebil, Meshkin Shahr and Sar' e Ein cities, which arethe major sport tourism centers of Ardebil province. Therefore, aquestionnaire was designed based on the personal and behavioralcharacteristics of the tourists and the 8 P’s of sport tourism marketingmix; afterwards, the questionnaires were distributed among 110 sporttourists by means of accidental sampling method. Appropriate analysiswere made for each of the marketing mix components by utilizingdifferent statistical tests namely, Kolmogrov - Smirnov, Binomialdistribution, one sample T- test and Friedman test. In general, results ofFriedman test shows that there were weaknesses regarding to thecomponents of “productivity and quality”, “process” and “place andtime” according to priority. Also based on the findings of research amathematical pattern was developed.