Samira Pouramraee; Mohammadreza Akbari; Amir Saberi
Volume 10, Issue 31 , September 2015, , Pages 71-84
The urban green space is one of the most important elements in urbanmetabolism. Global efforts have been done with the aim of physical environmentconservation related to ecosystems, fauna and flora. Green spaces are made inorder to improve urban ecology and provide a pleasant place for leisure time.The ...
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The urban green space is one of the most important elements in urbanmetabolism. Global efforts have been done with the aim of physical environmentconservation related to ecosystems, fauna and flora. Green spaces are made inorder to improve urban ecology and provide a pleasant place for leisure time.The most important effects of green spaces on cities are reduction of air andnoise pollution, temperature adjustment and increase of air humidity. Othereffects are relative. This study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive interms of methodology. Data were gathered from both primary and secondaryresearch. To analyze data, One Sample T-test was used. The results showed thatin confidence level of 95%, significance level is smaller than alpha level of 5%.Thus, the Chengery Park can effectively contribute in development of tourismindustry. Then, developing Chengery Park is necessary for responding people’sneeds.