The aim of current study is to make a comparative investigation of agilityvariables in manufacturing sector and hotel services sector and determines theweights of these variables in order to create the best distinction between the twosectors in terms of agility. Therefore, in this study the agility variables ...
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The aim of current study is to make a comparative investigation of agilityvariables in manufacturing sector and hotel services sector and determines theweights of these variables in order to create the best distinction between the twosectors in terms of agility. Therefore, in this study the agility variables ofmanufacturing firm were extracted from the literature and then was examined inagile hotels to be determined whether these variables in the agile hotels areconsidering as well as the agile manufacturing companies or not. The sampleincluded active manufacturing companies located in the Toos industrial estateand three, four and five-star hotels in Mashhad. For collecting data were usedthrough two questionnaire. Data were collected from Stratified samplingmethod. Also the questionnaires collected was analyzed with MANOVA,independent – samples t test and discriminant analysis. Finally, according to theresults of this study, it was found that there is a significant difference betweenthe averages vector of agility variables in two groups. The variables that werecausing these differences include continuing education, changing culture,cooperation, responsiveness, flexibility, speed and competency that theirsaverages in hotels were more than averages in manufacturing companies. Also,combining the continuous education variable of determination and flexibilityvariable with specific coefficient, create the highest distinction between thehotels and manufacturing firms in terms of agility.
alireza puya; hamed mokhtari
Volume 7, Issue 17 , March 2012, , Pages 33-90
Operations management has attracted extensive research attention during the recent years, yet there is a dearth of research that examines the taxonomy of service operations strategies. Regarding the pivotal role of the tourism industry in the economic growth of many countries and unique touristic characteristics ...
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Operations management has attracted extensive research attention during the recent years, yet there is a dearth of research that examines the taxonomy of service operations strategies. Regarding the pivotal role of the tourism industry in the economic growth of many countries and unique touristic characteristics of Mashhad city in Iran, the importance and necessity of such researches are indisputable. The aim of this study is to make taxonomy of service operations strategies in Mashhad’s hotels and apartment hotels, to be a pioneering research in Iran. The sample group consists of 80 hotels and 65 apartment hotels. The taxonomy presented contributes to the development and enhancement of operations management theory, and demonstrates the current crucial place and importance of the nine structural and infrastructural service operations strategic decisions in Iran’s hotel industry. This study uses a k-mean cluster analysis to develop a classification based on 9 service operations strategy dimensions. The effectiveness of the classification scheme is tested by multiple discriminant analysis. Four strategic clusters were identified, each tending to emphasize on a different dimension. The outcomes of this research were proved to be different from those of others.