Pejman Rezaei; Nasrin Ghahramanee
Volume 10, Issue 31 , September 2015, , Pages 85-102
Planning of resources and attractions for tourists and providing appropriateservices with environmental planning on this resources is so important intourism planning. Therefore, Sirch complex, located in Kerman province, wasselected with an area of ten hectares in response to tourists’ needs. Due ...
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Planning of resources and attractions for tourists and providing appropriateservices with environmental planning on this resources is so important intourism planning. Therefore, Sirch complex, located in Kerman province, wasselected with an area of ten hectares in response to tourists’ needs. Due to thePhysical Carrying Capacity, the number of tourists allowed to enter the site is1644 per day, Real Carrying Capacity is 1062 per day and effective carryingcapacity is 850 per day. Taking into account required standard per capita usagefor each tourist, the effective carrying capacity, including Commercial area (850square meters), Residence area (340000 square meters), Restaurant and fastfood area (850 square meters) Sports and cultural area (2125 square meters),Recreation area (24100 square meters) and Roads area (30000 square meters)is estimated.