Saeid Safari; Maliheh Mohammad Mirzaei Bafghi
Volume 9, Issue 26 , July 2014, , Pages 131-147
The changing nature of the tourism industry, with its move awayfrom mass tourism towards greater market segmentation, use of newtechnologies, differentiation of the product and adoption of newmanagement styles, demands a change in the substance of tourisminstitutes policies. This article reviews the ...
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The changing nature of the tourism industry, with its move awayfrom mass tourism towards greater market segmentation, use of newtechnologies, differentiation of the product and adoption of newmanagement styles, demands a change in the substance of tourisminstitutes policies. This article reviews the development of tourismpolicy from pure promotion to product development to the currentgoal of maintaining competitiveness. It argues for a more balancedgrowth between facilities and tourists' interest and discusses variousplans that may serve as attraction for tourists in Yazd city as casestudy. In this study researcher surveys 2 groups of people involved intourism industry in order to find out their attitudes or opinionsfacilities and possible procedures to improve the quality and quantityof services. Researcher concentrates on the opportunities available andthe needs which can be meet by entrepreneurs. The research uses "TheOpportunity Algorithm" which offers by Anthony Ul wick as a basefor comparing and evaluating the Opportunities. According to thisalgorithm, each opportunity evaluates by the formula: [Importance +(Importance – Satisfaction)]. In final conclusion, most importantneeds and best Opportunities for the tourism industry in Yazd hasintroduced and some propositions has offered. For instance, as one ofthe most important results, it is ascertained that it was neglected toconsider the importance of the entertainment facilities and theexistence of diversity in them.