Abolfazl Tajzadeh Namin; Zhaleh Hashemzadeh
Volume 9, Issue 26 , July 2014, , Pages 31-58
The role of local music festivals in tourism developing;From the perspective of the potential tourists:Case study; local music of Azerbaijan region(Ashighlar)Abolfazl Tajzadeh Namin 0F∗Zhaleh Hashemzadeh1F∗∗AbstractMusical tourism is a combination of two interesting recreation thathave ...
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The role of local music festivals in tourism developing;From the perspective of the potential tourists:Case study; local music of Azerbaijan region(Ashighlar)Abolfazl Tajzadeh Namin 0F∗Zhaleh Hashemzadeh1F∗∗AbstractMusical tourism is a combination of two interesting recreation thathave a lot of favor around the world. Today in many of developedcountries have recognized high potential of music in attracting oftourists. Iran is a country with ancient civilization and culture, andwide variety of tribes that everyone has its own special culture identitythat provides an opportunity for developing of folk music tourism. Forinstance region of Azerbaijan is located in north west of Iran that thisregion besides of many kind of natural and cultural attractions has aninteresting local music called Ashighlar that it can be as a new culturalproduct. This research is tried to evaluate the role of folklore musicfestivals as a strategic marketing tool in a specific destination in orderto attract tourist and develop the local tourism. In the present paper,the data are collected via questionnaires distributed among potentialtourists presented in 8th National folk Music Festival held from 19thto 21st May 2013 at Vahdat Hall in Tehran. 120 questionnairesdistributed between the people who were present during performanceof Azerbaijan folklore music (Ashighlar) at festival in three days, 99questionnaires were usable after collecting. Eventually in base ofabove conceptions a conceptual model was designed. This article forvalidity of model and responding to hypothesizes used ConfirmatoryFactor Analysis and one sample T test by using LISREL and SPSSsoft wares. The results suggest that music festivals have ability inattracting of tourist and development of local tourism as welldevelopment of tourism causes conservation, revival and sustainabilityof folk music.Keywords: cultural tourism, musical tourism, folk music, Ashighlar∗ Associate Professor , Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran.Tajzadehnamin@yahoo.com∗∗ Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Qom University, Qom, IranSubmitted: 2014/9/5 Accepted: 2015/2/6