Dr. Zohre Dehdashti Shahrokh; Ghadir Shakiba Jamal Abad
Volume 8, Issue 22 , June 2013, , Pages 170-197
Tourism has many positive effects on the economic, social and cultural status of societies and has been able to attract the attention of public and private sectors. But with the advent of information technology, a new form of tourism - e-tourism -is witnessed, which its adoption in tourism sectors, depends ...
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Tourism has many positive effects on the economic, social and cultural status of societies and has been able to attract the attention of public and private sectors. But with the advent of information technology, a new form of tourism - e-tourism -is witnessed, which its adoption in tourism sectors, depends heavilyontheadministrators’ perspectives and strategicvision of senior managersin its preparation, adoption, implementation and institutionalization. Therefore making use of a hypothetical model, we intend to examine the effective strategic components in institutionalization of electronic tourism, from the viewpoint of managers of this industry. The questionnaire-survey was done on a sample size of 310 from a statistical populationofoperatingmanagers, marketing managersand sales managers of tourism websites. After, theresearchmodelwasfitted by LISREL software and the hypotheseswereexamined. Finally, out of seven researchhypo theses, four were accepted. Conclusion is that organizational support and managerial productivity directly influence e-tourism adoption through influencing perception of strategic value, and Perceived Organizational Electronic Readiness components; however, lack of due attention to the implementation strategies, has hindered E-tourism to be institutionalized properly.