Mahdi Ebrahimi; Seyed Amir hossein Tayebi Abolhassani
Nowadays, medical tourism has become one of the most important types of tourism, to carry out its effective activity, research in this field is necessary. This research has been done to declare the inbound medical tourism market of Tehran as much as possible. Since one of the convenient tools for identifying ...
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Nowadays, medical tourism has become one of the most important types of tourism, to carry out its effective activity, research in this field is necessary. This research has been done to declare the inbound medical tourism market of Tehran as much as possible. Since one of the convenient tools for identifying and studying the market is segmentation, the basis of this research is segmentation using tourist clustering. For this purpose, 151 questionnaires were completed by foreign patients in selected hospitals of Tehran (Moheb, Mehr, Pars, Asia, Laleh and Royan Institute). The results of the questionnaires were analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis and finally, four different clusters of medical tourists were identified with the names of totalitarians, quality- seeker individuals, people with banned treatment, and people seeking treatment.
Mehdi Ebrahimi; Mehdi Karroubi; Zohreh Mohammadi
Volume 9, Issue 26 , July 2014, , Pages 103-123
within hotels. This paper aims to estimate the competitive intelligencematurity within Yazd hotels based on its final function. The project isempirically based and is characterized by exploratory approach. Aquestionnaire-oriented survey covering 56 managers of Yazd 3 and 4star hotels as samples was conducted ...
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within hotels. This paper aims to estimate the competitive intelligencematurity within Yazd hotels based on its final function. The project isempirically based and is characterized by exploratory approach. Aquestionnaire-oriented survey covering 56 managers of Yazd 3 and 4star hotels as samples was conducted to collect data for the study .Thefindings revealed that CI factors in hotel can be best examined bytechnology intelligence, social and strategic intelligence, marketingand commerce intelligence and competitors intelligence. The findingsindicate that Yazd hotels CI maturity is above the average and in agood condition. Also all of the CI factors maturity was estimatedabove the average. The study provides empirical evidence that CIactivities in 4 star hotels rather than 3 star hotels got better scores.Finally it was shown that in these hotels the focus of the managementis more on inside CI activities than outside one. There are somelimitations; first, the hotels chosen for the study were mainly 3 and 4star hotels; second, this survey was limited to one city of Iran. Thus,the results may not be applicable to all hotels
Hamid Zargham; mehdi ebrahimi; Faeze S. Mirfakhraddini
Volume 8, Issue 22 , June 2013, , Pages 31-72
The aim of this research is to evaluate the performance of hotel services with Fuzzy BSC approach. Identification of the strengths and weaknesses of the hotel services from the financial, costumer, internal procedures, and growth and learning aspects are among the key aims of this research. The other ...
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The aim of this research is to evaluate the performance of hotel services with Fuzzy BSC approach. Identification of the strengths and weaknesses of the hotel services from the financial, costumer, internal procedures, and growth and learning aspects are among the key aims of this research. The other aim of this study is to use the research findings in order to compile and formulate strategies for the survival of hotels in the future. As data gathering tool, this research has made use of questionnaires which were filled by university professors and the hotel managers and senior employees working in Yazd Province’s 3 and above stared hotels. Mixed BSC / FANP / FTOPSIS approach was used in order to evaluate the service provided in the hotels. Additionally, the critical indices of hotel performance were identified via the ratio of importance-performance and Pareto rule. Results manifest that the service provided in the selected hotels are desirable in the costumer and internal procedures aspects; while the hotels have weak performance in both financial, and growth and learning aspects. Also, eight components of hotel service performance assessment (including: uniqueness of the hotels’ services, capital return, room occupancy rate, employeeproductivity, effective usage of marketing information by the staff, bilateral relationship with costumers, ratio of net interest to total income and new servicing procedure) were identified as the critical indices of success. The costumer and internal procedure aspects were proved to be in the first and fourth place of importance respectively.