Information systems
Ghazal Vojdanifard; Ali Eskandaripour; Mohammad Zarezadeh; Omid Yousefianzadeh; Abulfazl Taheri
The medical tourism industry, recognized as an emerging sector with significant potential, necessitates the enhancement of infrastructure and effective communication. This study aims to analyze the content of 50 medical tourism facilitator websites in India and Iran. Websites were identified using seven ...
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The medical tourism industry, recognized as an emerging sector with significant potential, necessitates the enhancement of infrastructure and effective communication. This study aims to analyze the content of 50 medical tourism facilitator websites in India and Iran. Websites were identified using seven specialized Google keywords, and data were collected through a questionnaire and analyzed with SPSS software. The content under review comprises seven categories and 63 elements, including "customer communication and interaction," "special service platforms," and "information and introduction of medical facilities." The findings reveal that the primary focus is on "information and introduction of services," with Iranian websites demonstrating lower quality compared to their Indian counterparts. To attract more medical tourists, it is crucial to pay attention to website design, improve customer collaboration, and leverage shared platforms. This study highlights the significance of integrated and intelligent systems for enhancing efficiency and speed in medical tourism processes.