Nahid Amrollahi Biuki; Azam Nazari Dehaghi
Volume 10, Issue 31 , September 2015, , Pages 103-131
The main purpose of this study is to investigate and explain the effects that Isfahandomestic tourists’ image would have on tourism development of the city. The studypopulation is a group of tourists who have experience of travelling to Isfahan. As thepopulation of the study is unlimited, the sample ...
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The main purpose of this study is to investigate and explain the effects that Isfahandomestic tourists’ image would have on tourism development of the city. The studypopulation is a group of tourists who have experience of travelling to Isfahan. As thepopulation of the study is unlimited, the sample size has been determined based onthe method of Cochran's sample size determination, and a sample of 384(convenient) was selected. In order to collect data, a questionnaire was appliedusing Likert scale (five choices). For the validity, formal questionnaire was used andreliability was calculated for each variable by calculating Cronbach's alphacoefficients.Structural Equation Modeling was applied for collected data analysis andconceptual model evaluation. Then, Model fitting and required analysis were doneby using AMOS software. Finally, designed theoretical pattern were fitted bymodifying conceptual model. Therefore, it can be stated that individualcharacteristics have positive and significant effects on tourists’ behavior, tourismachievements and tourism development, due to tourist’s image