Hossein Livani; Ali Farhadi Mahalli; Alireza Matoufi
Medical tourism is one of the branches of the tourism industry that has flourished in recent decades and has played a significant role in generating income and employment in countries. the present study was conducted to identify key requirements affecting the implementation of medical tourism policies ...
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Medical tourism is one of the branches of the tourism industry that has flourished in recent decades and has played a significant role in generating income and employment in countries. the present study was conducted to identify key requirements affecting the implementation of medical tourism policies in Golestan province. This qualitative research was conducted using grounded theory method. Participants included 13 people with at least 5 years of relevant work experience and expertise in the field of medical tourism who were included in the study through purposive sampling with snowball technique and were interviewed in depth. Frequent refinement of primary codes led to the formation of open codes and then core codes such as management system, public transport infrastructure, general regulations, and so on. Selected codes were also organized under the headings of organizational architecture, capacity building and service quality, etc