Tourism planning
Fatemeh Kazemiyeh
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the attitude of the residents of the region towards tourism and the factors affecting this attitude based on the theory of social exchange. The present study has investigated the attitude and support of the beneficiaries of tourism. In terms of the research ...
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The main purpose of this study was to investigate the attitude of the residents of the region towards tourism and the factors affecting this attitude based on the theory of social exchange. The present study has investigated the attitude and support of the beneficiaries of tourism. In terms of the research method, this study is a descriptive-correlation and applied type of research that uses structural equation modeling and has been carried out using the causal-relational method and covariance-variance matrix analysis. In terms of the method of collecting and receiving information, this research is in the field of field studies. The statistical population of the research was the heads of households (local people) in the villages of East Azerbaijan province in Iran. According to the investigations carried out by the organizations in charge of rural tourism in East Azerbaijan Province, such as the Tourism and Cultural Heritage Organization and the Islamic Revolution Housing Foundation, as well as field observations, 20 villages were selected as sample villages, and the total number of households in this the number of villages was estimated to be 4669. Using Cochran's relationship, the number of 355 heads of households from local people was selected as the statistical sample of the study. In this study, a multi-stage sampling method was used. Based on this, first of all, the studied villages were selected from the rural areas of East Azarbaijan province, taking into account a series of defining characteristics and indicators, including the presence of national and international registered works, the presence of a traditional texture, or a special architectural style, or a cultural ceremony. A number of 20 villages were selected as sample villages, and then a stratified sampling method with proportional allocation was used. In the final stage, through the use of a simple random sampling method, the head of the household was visited in person, the necessary information was collected, and the questionnaire was completed. Became Average Variance Extracted (AVE) was used to determine the validity of the measurement tool. The results showed the validity of the measurement tool (0.74-0.97). Composite reliability was used to determine the reliability of the research tool. The results showed the reliability of the measurement tool (0.93-0.99). The results of residents' opinions about causal relationships between tourism development variables indicated that a positive and significant causal relationship between personal benefit and understanding the positive effects of tourism, between personal benefit and satisfaction, between understanding the positive effects of tourism and satisfaction, between understanding There have been positive effects of tourism and support for tourism development, between satisfaction and support for tourism development. There is a negative and significant causal relationship between personal benefit and understanding the negative effects of tourism, understanding the negative effects of tourism, and satisfaction between understanding the negative effects and supporting the development of tourism. The results of the study, while confirming the theory of social exchange, determined what structures in support of tourism development should be considered in tourism development planning.IntroductionThe participation of people in society is often considered one of the most necessary factors in national development. Also, in the matter of tourism, the support and participation of the local community are very decisive in the field of destination management planning and achieving written planning so that both the host community and the guest community are completely satisfied. Based on this, the support and participation of the host community in the sustainable development of tourism is important and necessary. In line with the development of tourism in different destinations, the way of life of the host community may be affected by structural changes in the tourism industry. Factors such as changes in the local economy, social changes, cultural changes, and environmental changes in a tourism destination can be mentioned in the results of tourism development. Therefore, planning for tourism in rural areas should be based on the goals and priorities of the residents.Materials and MethodsThe main purpose of this study was to investigate the attitude of the residents of the region towards tourism and the factors affecting this attitude based on the theory of social exchange. The present study has investigated the attitude and support of the beneficiaries of tourism. In terms of the research method, this study is a descriptive-correlation and applied type of research that uses structural equation modeling and has been carried out using the causal-relational method and covariance-variance matrix analysis. In terms of the method of collecting and receiving information, this research is in the field of field studies. The statistical population of the research was the heads of households (local people) in the villages of East Azerbaijan province in Iran. According to the investigations carried out by the organizations in charge of rural tourism in East Azerbaijan Province, such as the Tourism and Cultural Heritage Organization and the Islamic Revolution Housing Foundation, as well as field observations, 20 villages were selected as sample villages, and the total number of households in this the number of villages was estimated to be 4669. Using Cochran's relationship, the number of 355 heads of households from local people was selected as the statistical sample of the study. In this study, a multi-stage sampling method was used. Based on this, first of all, the studied villages were selected from the rural areas of East Azarbaijan province, taking into account a series of defining characteristics and indicators, including the presence of national and international registered works, the presence of a traditional texture, or a special architectural style, or a cultural ceremony. A number of 20 villages, were selected as sample villages and then a stratified sampling method with proportional allocation was used. In the final stage, through the use of a simple random sampling method, the head of the household was visited in person, the necessary information was collected, and the questionnaire was completed. Became Average Variance Extracted (AVE) was used to determine the validity of the measurement tool. The results showed the validity of the measurement tool (0.74-0.97). Composite reliability was used to determine the reliability of the research tool. The results showed the reliability of the measurement tool (0.93-0.99).Discussion and ResultsThe opinions of residents regarding causal relationships between tourism development variables indicate that: There has been a positive and significant causal relationship between personal benefit and understanding the positive effects of tourism. There has been a negative and significant causal relationship between personal benefit and understanding the adverse effects of tourism.A positive and significant causal relationship has existed between personal benefit and satisfaction.4There has been a positive and significant causal relationship between understanding the positive effects of tourism and satisfaction. There has been a negative and significant causal relationship between understanding the adverse effects of tourism and satisfaction.6. A positive and significant causal relationship has existed between understanding tourism’s positive effects and supporting tourism’s development.7. There has been a positive and significant causal relationship between satisfaction and support for tourism development.A negative and significant causal relationship has existed between understanding the adverse effects and supporting tourism development.Conclusions While confirming the theory of social exchange, the study’s results determined what structures are included in supporting the development of tourism that should be considered in planning the development of tourism. Overall, this study confirms the relationship between personal benefit from tourism and residents' understanding of the effects of tourism and their support for tourism development in the study area, and residents have a great desire to get involved and participate in tourism development programs. Promoting positive effects, reducing adverse effects, and educating of the local community can significantly affect their attitude and increase their support for tourism development.
Hossein koohestani; Fatemeh Kazemiyeh; Amir Ali Vazifeh
Rural tourism is a part of the tourism market and a source of employment and income, and it can be considered an essential tool for the economic, social, and ecological development of rural communities. The leading research based on the need for long-term planning in the field of rural tourism in Heris ...
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Rural tourism is a part of the tourism market and a source of employment and income, and it can be considered an essential tool for the economic, social, and ecological development of rural communities. The leading research based on the need for long-term planning in the field of rural tourism in Heris City, which is one of the most susceptible regions in the country in attracting rural tourism with various factors, is trying to reach a convincing answer to the question that the key and influencing factors on the future development of rural tourism in the city. Where is Heris? Based on the purpose, this is an applied study, and in terms of its nature and method, it is a descriptive-analytical study based on a prospective approach. Data collection tools included the use of (library) documents and interviews. To calculate validity, content and form validity methods and techniques were used. The reliability rate for "structural effects analysis" was 0.82. The panel of respondents consisted of 30 university professors and planning and development experts. This study identified 21 variables as primary factors and analyzed them with MicMac software. To determine the key drivers effective on the rural tourism approach of Heris City, based on the results of two methods, including "rank of variables in each mode" and "the total effect of variables in all modes," the key and effective factors were selected, which are "use of culture and rural art in presenting designs" and "paying attention to all levels and strata of society in presenting designs."IntroductionMany development planners and policymakers refer to the tourism industry as the central pillar of sustainable development. Rural tourism is also considered a part of the tourism industry, which can play an influential role in developing these areas. As a result, proper planning and identifying the advantages and limitations of rural tourism, will achieve national development and diversification of the national economy. Leading research based on the need for long-term planning in the field of rural tourism in Heris City, which, with various factors, is one of the most susceptible regions in the country in attracting rural tourism, and due to its brilliant historical background and the presence of diverse weather, the scenic attractions have the ability to develop rural tourism. However, due to incorrect planning, it has yet to be successful in this field. According to the stated contents, the present research is trying to reach a convincing answer to the question of the key and influencing factors on the future development of rural tourism in Heris County.Materials and MethodsIn terms of the purpose, this is applied research, and in terms of the nature and method, it is of descriptive-analytical type, based on the prospective approach from the time dimension. According to the existing studies, the methods of obtaining information in the field of economic-social studies can be categorized in different ways. Based on the research objectives, data collection methods, and tools, including using documents, library documents, and interviews. To calculate validity, content and form validity methods and techniques were used so that it was accompanied by the guidance of scholars in this field to determine how well the questions represent the content and objectives of the research. Cronbach's alpha method was used to measure the reliability of the research questionnaire. According to each section, the questionnaire was provided to professors and experts in the mentioned field, and Cronbach's alpha coefficient was calculated in SPSS software. The reliability level for "structural effects analysis" is 0.82. The panel of respondents consists of 30 university professors in the fields of rural and urban planning, regional planning and tourism, social sciences, and economics, as well as planning and development experts, including experts from the Nomadic Affairs Organization, Sports and Youth Administration, Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization, East Azarbaijan province, and Heris city. The present study identified 21 variables as primary factors and analyzed data with MicMac software. In the cross matrix, the sum of the row numbers of each factor, the amount of influence, and the column sums of each factor shows the influence from other factors.Discussion and ResultsThe number of 21 influencing variables on rural tourism development in Heris County was selected using the panel interview session. Then, by forming a 21 x 21 matrix, the effects of each index on the other were identified with the number zero to three using the mutual effects analysis method. Then, the matrix results were entered into MicMac software and analyzed to extract the drivers. To structurally analyze the mutual effects of factors on each other, a 21x21 matrix was formed. The filling degree of the matrix is 92.063%, which shows that the selected factors had a large and scattered effect on each other, and in fact, the system was in an unstable state. Out of 385 relationships that can be evaluated in this matrix, 35 relationships are zero, meaning that the factors did not influence on or were not influenced by each other. Eighty-seven relationships have been established on number one, 157 on number two, and 162 on number three.Conclusions What can be understood from the state of the dispersion plane of the effective variables is the state of instability of the system. Most of the variables are scattered around the diagonal axis of the plane. Except for a few limited factors that show that they have a high impact on the system, the rest of the variables have almost the same status. To determine the key drivers effective on the rural tourism approach of Heris City, based on the results of two methods including "rank of variables in each of the states" and "total impact of variables in all states," the key and effective factors have been selected as follows. Utilizing rural culture and art in presenting plans; Attention to all levels and strata of society in presenting plans; Emphasizing intellectual independence and not imitating foreign models in the design of rural tourism projects; Looking at rural tourists as cultural ambassadors; Designing suitable spaces for holding ceremonies and traditional rituals using cultural symbols (designing cultural routes for tourists); and introducing the projects done on different sites in different languages.Therefore, the vital and effective drivers that can be pointed out in this research for the planning approach of rural tourism development in Heris are the factors that emphasize all the studied aspects of the subject.
Fatemeh Kazemiyeh; Asma Eidi
Tourism and the environment are interdependent. For this reason, tourism development and management are key factors in achieving sustainable development. This study aimed to evaluate tourism's environmental sustainability in the target villages of East Azerbaijan province. This research is a survey in ...
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Tourism and the environment are interdependent. For this reason, tourism development and management are key factors in achieving sustainable development. This study aimed to evaluate tourism's environmental sustainability in the target villages of East Azerbaijan province. This research is a survey in terms of practical purpose and in terms of how to collect data. The study's statistical population was the heads of households in four villages targeted for tourism in East Azerbaijan province (N = 819). Using the Krejcie-Morgan table, the statistical sample size of 265 people was calculated. The proportional stratified sampling method was used to obtain a statistical sample in each of the selected villages. To achieve the purpose of the research, in the first stage, the indicators of environmental sustainability of tourism were identified using an integrated method. Based on the two indicators, resource conservation and biodiversity and management and environmental policies were determined with 29 indicators. In the second stage, using the radar model, the overall environmental sustainability of tourism in the target villages of East Azerbaijan province was assessed. The results showed that the studied villages generally have a moderate level of environmental sustainability. Among the villages as case studies, the highest environmental sustainability score, equal to 0.585, belonged to Totehkhaneh village, and the lowest score, equal to 0.369, belonged to Kandovan village.IntroductionTourism and the environment are interdependent. For this reason, tourism development and management are critical factors in achieving sustainable development compatible with the environment. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out all programs, including tourism, based on recognizing and evaluating the environment's potential to preserve both the natural values and the proper and continuous use of the environment. This study aimed to evaluate tourism's environmental sustainability in the target villages of East Azerbaijan province. Given the current situation and since nature is one of the most important resources in rural tourism and the destruction of nature is a threat to sustainable tourism in a destination, this study aims to assess the environmental sustainability of tourism in target villages. It was an East Azarbaijan province, and efforts were made to study and evaluate the environmental dimension of rural tourism. It is hoped that the results of this study will be helpful in the protection of rural natural resources and their preservation for the future and reduce the destructive effects of tourism in these areas and ultimately lead to sustainable tourism development and sustainable rural development in rural areas.Materials and MethodsThis research is a survey in terms of practical purpose and in terms of how to collect data. The study's statistical population was the heads of households in four villages targeted for tourism in East Azerbaijan province (N = 819). Using the Krejcie-Morgan table, the statistical sample size of 265 people was calculated. The proportional stratified sampling method was used to obtain a statistical sample in each of the selected villages. To achieve the purpose of the research, in the first stage, the indicators of environmental sustainability of tourism were identified using an integrated method. Based on the two indicators, resource conservation and biodiversity and management and environmental policies were identified with 29 indicators. In the second stage, using the radar model, the overall environmental sustainability of tourism in the target villages of East Azerbaijan province was assessed.Discussion and ResultsThe results showed that the studied villages generally have a moderate level of environmental sustainability. Among the studied villages, the highest environmental sustainability score, equal to 0.585, belonged to Totehkhaneh village, and the lowest score, equal to 0.369, belonged to Kandovan village. The environmental situation in Kandavan village is the most unstable of all, Among the studied villages; Where the oldest village in terms of tourism and the most number of incoming tourists, and has relatively more suitable tourism facilities and services. There indicates insufficient attention to this village's environment and the vulnerability of physical environments and its historical and natural monuments and attractions.ConclusionsAs noted, it can be concluded that the sustainable development of tourism in terms of policy, management, and planning is not yet in a good position, and the opportunities for tourism to develop this village have not been appropriately exploited. In the face of its threats, they have been realized in different areas and in some cases. According to field studies, the target villages are faced with many challenges and issues in the field of environmental and natural issues. This issue is fully seen in the situation of Kandovan village. Although tourism in this village has developed, its environmental damage is more obvious compared to tourism capabilities. Therefore, to solve the existing problems, it is necessary to review the programs and executive policies by considering the principles of sustainable tourism development in the province. Based on the results of the present study, the following solutions are presented, which can be effective in the sustainability of environmental resources in the tourism target villages of East Azerbaijan province. The solutions are: Increasing the level of awareness and knowledge of the general public, especially the indigenous youth active in the field of tourism, towards the environment and how to protect the capital and natural attractions of the village through training and holding orientation classes on related organizations, development Advertising programs, local public media, and publications are some of the strategies that can be effective in sustaining the natural environment of the target villages. Also, considering that most people currently use social networks, the potential of these networks can be used to the fullest, and through that sense of responsibility and environmental knowledge of the host and guest community affected. Therefore, it is suggested that the clips and purposeful and scientific training be prepared with the cooperation of the experts of the Environmental Protection and Tourism Organization and adapted to the language (in Turkish in the study area). The culture of the areas to be used. Illiterate and illiterate people should also be included. Therefore, it is necessary to take the required planning and measures.