Hamed Fallah Tafti; mir mohamad asadi; Jamileh Ghasemloi Soltanabad
Identifying Crisis factors in the tourism industry has become a fundamental necessity in many tourism destinations due to natural-environmental and political events. Due to Iran's location in the Middle East which is plagued with crises, devising an unified risk strategy in tourism is unavoidable. The ...
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Identifying Crisis factors in the tourism industry has become a fundamental necessity in many tourism destinations due to natural-environmental and political events. Due to Iran's location in the Middle East which is plagued with crises, devising an unified risk strategy in tourism is unavoidable. The present study is a developmental-applied research that since the tourism industry is a service- based nature, has provided an integrated strategy for crisis management.The target population was a group of experts of the tourism industry and academic individuals.The collected data were analyzed by fuzzy cognitive mapping technique. According to the final model, the most effective crisis factors in Iran's tourism industry are: political instability in the region, insufficient Infrastructures, environmental pollution, currency fluctuations, infectious diseases and natural disasters and it recommended the use of an integrated management system in the tourism industry.
Mir Mohamad Asadi; Seyed Habibolah Mirghafoori; Jamileh Ghasemloi Soltanabad
The tourism industry is one of the most important phenomena in the current century, which, in the near future, could be the first and most important industry in the world. Influencing economy, this industry is an important factor to promote social and cultural purposes. Considering Iran’s main ...
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The tourism industry is one of the most important phenomena in the current century, which, in the near future, could be the first and most important industry in the world. Influencing economy, this industry is an important factor to promote social and cultural purposes. Considering Iran’s main economic problem, namely the reduction of oil revenues and reliance on the resistive economy, a comparison can be made among Iran, Turkey, and Malaysia. The present study in terms of purpose is applied-descriptive research and from the prospect of type is surveys, and the statistical population was expert_ university professors, tourism organization members, and agency managers; the method used for analyzing data was FCM (Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping). Based on the final model, the most influencing and influenced factors were as follows: Formulating a National tourism development plan in Iran, increasing capital and investment security in the tourism industry, improving international relations, recovering tourism infrastructures, developing domestic tourism, turning the structure of tourism organization into a ministry.
Mir Mohamad Asadi; Mehdi Basoli; Mahnaz alsadat Rasekhi
Health tourism is a form of tourism. The convenient access to the tourism infrastructures have a great effect on absorbing the health tourists and increasing their settlement in the destination. The current study aims to analyse the health tourism Infrastructure in the city of Yazd. The sample includes: ...
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Health tourism is a form of tourism. The convenient access to the tourism infrastructures have a great effect on absorbing the health tourists and increasing their settlement in the destination. The current study aims to analyse the health tourism Infrastructure in the city of Yazd. The sample includes: cultural Heritage and Tourism Organization experts, managers of travel agencies and respective doctors. by studying the literature review and experts’ opinions 45 variables in the form of 11 factors were identified. Following, the proposed conceptual model was developed through semi-structured interviews. Then, Cognitive Mapping modeling and Ucient and Cognizer software were used. Finally, the infrastructure including: security, Marketing and Advertising notifications, rules and regulations, Training and travel agencies were considered as the most important factors. The final output was the conceptual model for evaluate and improve the infrastructure of health tourism.
Mir Mohammad Asadi; Adel Azar; Seyed Ali Naghavi
The aim of this study is evaluation and analysis the services quality of selected traditional hotels of Yazd province based on domestic tourists’ perspective. This study is a type of applied research and in terms of research methodology, this is descriptive - survey study. The statistical population ...
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The aim of this study is evaluation and analysis the services quality of selected traditional hotels of Yazd province based on domestic tourists’ perspective. This study is a type of applied research and in terms of research methodology, this is descriptive - survey study. The statistical population of this study consists of two parts. In the first part, in order to identify the factors affecting the services quality of traditional hotels based on the logic of factor analysis models, a sample of 270 domestic tourists who visited Yazd province selected traditional hotels were selected using available sampling. In the second part, in order to measure the importance and performance of the services quality of traditional hotels, 200 domestic tourists who stayed in traditional hotels of Yazd during Nowrouz 1395 were selected by available sampling method to fill the questionnaire. The results of factor analysis showed that 7 factors of hotel physical facilities, sports and recreational facilities, traditional food and beverage, employees’ behaviors, hygiene, traditional spaces inside hotel and rooms, accountability systems, and service delivery are considered as factors affecting services quality. In addition, the results of the importance-performance analysis showed that there is a significant gap between importance and tourists’ perception in 4 factors of sports and recreational facilities, traditional food and beverage, employees’ behaviors, and accountability systems.