Mir Mohamad Asadi; Mehdi Basoli; Mahnaz alsadat Rasekhi
Health tourism is a form of tourism. The convenient access to the tourism infrastructures have a great effect on absorbing the health tourists and increasing their settlement in the destination. The current study aims to analyse the health tourism Infrastructure in the city of Yazd. The sample includes: ...
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Health tourism is a form of tourism. The convenient access to the tourism infrastructures have a great effect on absorbing the health tourists and increasing their settlement in the destination. The current study aims to analyse the health tourism Infrastructure in the city of Yazd. The sample includes: cultural Heritage and Tourism Organization experts, managers of travel agencies and respective doctors. by studying the literature review and experts’ opinions 45 variables in the form of 11 factors were identified. Following, the proposed conceptual model was developed through semi-structured interviews. Then, Cognitive Mapping modeling and Ucient and Cognizer software were used. Finally, the infrastructure including: security, Marketing and Advertising notifications, rules and regulations, Training and travel agencies were considered as the most important factors. The final output was the conceptual model for evaluate and improve the infrastructure of health tourism.