Seyed Mohammad Tabatabaeinasab; Abolfazl Nouri; Zohreh Mohammadnabi; Fzaneh Heshmati
Volume 9, Issue 26 , July 2014, , Pages 60-82
This research is performed to identify the effective solutions forattracting medical tourists and making them loyal. Hence, afterstudying theoretical background and reviewing literature, the effectivefactors on choosing destination were gathered regarding supply anddemand model of medical tourism. Then, ...
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This research is performed to identify the effective solutions forattracting medical tourists and making them loyal. Hence, afterstudying theoretical background and reviewing literature, the effectivefactors on choosing destination were gathered regarding supply anddemand model of medical tourism. Then, the medical tourists dividedinto four groups including Platinum, Gold, Iron and the Lead and thequestionnaires distributed among them. Next, regarding the results,which means the priorities of medical tourists' demands, authors putmedical tourists in two new categories termed Diamond and Silver,based on the similarities on their needs. Afterward, these needsclassified into two categories named hygiene needs and motivationalneeds, regarding Herzberg two-factor theory. In the Diamond type, thelack of motivational needs lead to dissatisfaction, but in the Silvertype, it will not lead to dissatisfaction.