Amir Saberi; Alireza Salehi Karounian; Zeinab Salehi Karounian
Volume 9, Issue 25 , April 2014, , Pages 70-86
Ecotourism can be defined broadly as nature tourism with a responsible stance in face of environment. In planning for ecotourism, sustainable development is of prime value. The present research assesses the capabilities and ecotourism potentials of Jahannama Protected Area, and projects insights into ...
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Ecotourism can be defined broadly as nature tourism with a responsible stance in face of environment. In planning for ecotourism, sustainable development is of prime value. The present research assesses the capabilities and ecotourism potentials of Jahannama Protected Area, and projects insights into priorities for ecotourism planning. Data were gathered through desk research, field observation, and questionnaire survey from local communities (364 individuals) and 20 experts. Inferential statistics revealed a significant relationship between natural attributes and their impact on tourists’ motivations for visiting attractions. Also the tourists acquaintance with the place was proved to raise tourists’ visiting motivations. Keywords: Ecotourism can be defined broadly as nature tourism with a responsible stance in face of environment. In planning for ecotourism, sustainable development is of prime value. The present research assesses the capabilities and ecotourism potentials of Jahannama Protected Area, and projects insights into priorities for ecotourism planning. Inferential statistics revealed a significant relationship between natural attributes and their impact on tourists’ motivations for visiting attractions. Also the tourists acquaintance with the place was proved to raise tourists’ visiting motivations. ecotourism capabilities, Protected Area, Jahannama Protected Area in Gorgan