salman eivazinezhad; Mohsen Akbari
The present study seeks to identify the factors affecting the behaviour of tourists about environmental protection activities. The research method has based on meta-synthesis. After searching for specific keywords in two journals, Google Scholar and Web Science, 198 articles have been extracted. Eventually, ...
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The present study seeks to identify the factors affecting the behaviour of tourists about environmental protection activities. The research method has based on meta-synthesis. After searching for specific keywords in two journals, Google Scholar and Web Science, 198 articles have been extracted. Eventually, 40 articles were coded and analyzed manually. The selected articles were divided into two categories, which included tourists' behaviour towards the environment and explaining the behaviour of indigenous people towards the environment. After extracting the sub-themes, the factors influencing tourists' behaviour towards three main themes can be suggested: indicators related to tourists - country of origin and destination country. Finally, by comparing the two categories of research, it can be suggested that consumers' perceptions of uncontrollable external factors such as the roles of governments and the understanding of chance/fate factors can explain the gaps in the present predicting the tourists' behaviour toward the environment. IntroductionToday, paying attention to the environment is a very important issue in developing and developed countries. One of the areas that can severely affect the environment is tourism, which has become an important part of the gross national income for most countries. Due to its cultural heritage and its natural and four-season landscapes, Iran has attracted many tourists every year. Considering the importance of the environment on the one hand and the improvement of the tourism industry, on the other hand, the development of tourist behaviours is very important. Give tourists behaviour.Materials and MethodsAccording to the research topic, the method used is meta-synthesis because the theoretical gap of the research was not clear. In the first stage, 198 articles were identified through the specified keywords, after which 40 papers were finally selected for the final analysis. The selected articles were divided into two categories, which included the behaviour of tourists and the indigenous behaviour of individuals towards the environment. The coding process was performed separately in each of these categories to identify new themes by comparing them. Caldwell is a model for measuring the validity and quality of research. In this type of evaluation, based on the basic and basic criteria, the subjects, the scope, the results, the studies, the methodology, and the validity of the articles were assessed. Cohen's kappa coefficient was used to properly execute the process and reliable the analysis and coding results. Several reviewed articles (15 out of 40) were randomly selected and provided to another experienced researcher for this purpose. In this study, Cohen's kappa coefficient for coding of two researchers was 0.78, which indicates high reliability.Discussion and ResultsAfter extracting the sub-themes, we finally suggested the factors affecting tourists' behaviour towards three main themes: indicators related to tourists, country of origin, and country of destination. The section on indicators related to tourists, motivations - attitude - personal experiences, environmental knowledge, materialism, pride, guilt, individual factors, significant experiences, tourist anxiety, nostalgia, age, gender, willingness to pay more, group size, Travel time is included. For the country of origin, institutional environment, level of development - development of the Internet, religion, media, air pollution, and for the country of origin, factors such as destination loyalty, destination brand, destination culture, environmental climate, religion, location were categorized. Also, for the natives, the main factors explaining the behaviour of tourists were identified, which are in the same three categories. In addition to these identified themes, theories were identified that have been considered in explaining indigenous behaviour towards the environment but have not been studied in the behaviour of tourists.ConclusionsConsidering the comparison of researches done in the two fields of tourism and public actors regarding the environment, it is suggested that to improve the activities of tourists in the field of environment. It is necessary to pay attention to three items: the position of their country, the position of the destination country, motivations and The tourist's own experiences. Also, by comparing the two categories of research conducted, it can be suggested that consumers' perceptions of uncontrollable external factors such as government maps and an understanding of factors of chance, habit, and social capital can be gaps in predicting tourist behaviour. It is suggested that researchers in their research consider these variables in explaining the behaviour of tourists.